Sống trong đời cũng giống như việc đi xe đạp. Để giữ được thăng bằng bạn phải luôn đi tới. (Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. )Albert Einstein
Phán đoán chính xác có được từ kinh nghiệm, nhưng kinh nghiệm thường có được từ phán đoán sai lầm. (Good judgment comes from experience, and often experience comes from bad judgment. )Rita Mae Brown
Bạn có biết là những người thành đạt hơn bạn vẫn đang cố gắng nhiều hơn cả bạn?Sưu tầm
Trời sinh voi sinh cỏ, nhưng cỏ không mọc trước miệng voi. (God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest. )Ngạn ngữ Thụy Điển
Hạnh phúc và sự thỏa mãn của con người cần phải phát xuất từ chính mình. Sẽ là một sai lầm nếu ta mong mỏi sự thỏa mãn cuối cùng đến từ tiền bạc hoặc máy điện toán.Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma XIV
Nhiệm vụ của con người chúng ta là phải tự giải thoát chính mình bằng cách mở rộng tình thương đến với muôn loài cũng như toàn bộ thiên nhiên tươi đẹp. (Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.)Albert Einstein
Hoàn cảnh không quyết định nơi bạn đi đến mà chỉ xác định nơi bạn khởi đầu. (Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.)Nido Qubein
Đừng cư xử với người khác tương ứng với sự xấu xa của họ, mà hãy cư xử tương ứng với sự tốt đẹp của bạn. (Don't treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are.)Khuyết danh
Lấy sự nghe biết nhiều, luyến mến nơi đạo, ắt khó mà hiểu đạo. Bền chí phụng sự theo đạo thì mới hiểu thấu đạo rất sâu rộng.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Xưa, vị lai, và nay, đâu có sự kiện này: Người hoàn toàn bị chê,người trọn vẹn được khen.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 228)

Trang chủ »» Danh mục »» TỦ SÁCH RỘNG MỞ TÂM HỒN »» none »» Annual Meeting: Dhamma Giri, India February 2, 1985 Closing Address »»

»» Annual Meeting: Dhamma Giri, India February 2, 1985 Closing Address

(Lượt xem: 9.350)
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Vì lợi ích của nhiều người - Cuộc họp hằng năm tại Dhamma Giri - Ấn Độ, 1985

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My dear Dhamma sons and Dhamma daughters:

The time has come once again for many to learn Dhamma. As Sayagyi U Ba Khin used to say, "The clock of Vipassana has struck." We are fortunate to have the opportunity to develop our pāramīs by assisting Dhamma to spread. It will spread because it is bound to, not because of the efforts of a particular person or group. We are only tools of the Dhamma. How swiftly things have been moving, and all because of Dhamma! Dhamma is so great, so powerful! It can give full competence to the most incompetent person, highest ability to one lacking all ability.

Dhamma finds the means to help those whose time has ripened to become liberated. Therefore in the last fifteen years so many people have taken up the burden of serving others by spreading Dhamma. Actually this is not a burden but rather a good fortune. And in this way Dhamma has spread beyond all expectation, not only in India but also in various parts of the world. It is only the beginning, but a good, encouraging beginning.

Sometimes someone tells me, "It is unbelievable that single-handedly you have done so much work in so short a period." I say, "Nothing is done single-handedly." I remember how from the first course I conducted, people came forward to organize, to manage, to make all the necessary arrangements. Course after course, students have given selfless service. Despite their many worldly responsibilities, they give time to work for the benefit of others.

The management and the Teacher are like the two wheels of a cart, the two wings of a bird. Naturally, without the Teacher the management cannot help to spread the Dhamma. But neither can the Teacher give service for the spread of Dhamma without the support of the Dhamma servers. I feel so grateful to all those dedicated students who have been helping in whatever capacity. Nothing was done singlehandedly; it was done by the devoted service of a large number of students. I am pleased that the assistant teachers are receiving similar co-operation from Dhamma servers in different parts of the world.

The teachers and the servers are equally important. Neither should feel that they play a greater role. Of course, when an assistant teacher sits on the Dhamma seat, the co-servers pay respect. By doing so they develop the good quality of respect for Dhamma, not for a person. Anyone who sits on the Dhamma seat represents the Dhamma, the Buddha, the Sangha who maintained the technique through twenty-five centuries in its pristine purity. Therefore the servers pay respect with the awareness of sensations, the understanding of anicca, dukkha, anattā. With that base, pay respect and keep in mind that your job is to co-operate so that the responsibility given to the assistant teacher bears good fruit.

On the other hand, those sitting on the Dhamma seat should always feel humble, understanding that respect is being given not to them but rather to Dhamma, that they simply represent Dhamma. Whether server or teacher, our service is always for the spread of Dhamma.

Both assistant teachers and Dhamma servers must work selflessly, without expecting anything in return. As the Buddha said, "Go your ways for the good of many, for the benefit of many, out of compassion for the world." Whatever the role, whatever responsibility you are given, it makes no difference. Every responsibility is equally important, every way of contributing is so valuable if the volition is simply to be of use in the work, to help more people benefit from Dhamma.

What do the servers gain in return? Why do they leave their homes and serve on courses? They receive no remuneration; they spend their own money for travelling and other expenses. They work without expecting even respect to be given to them. Their service is entirely selfless.

Similarly, what do the assistants get? Even the respect shown them is actually for the Dhamma. Understanding this, the assistants will work without expecting anything. In this way the wheel of Dhamma will keep rotating in its purity.

The Buddha said, "Distribute the Dhamma by making an example of your own pure way of life." Preaching the right way without practising it is meaningless. Assistant teachers and Dhamma servers must understand the importance of leading a good life, and of giving a good example to others. Always bear this in mind, whatever role you play in the work. Remain cautious in all your physical and vocal actions. Live a life of purity for your own good and for the good of others. If you do so, then faith in Dhamma will arise in those who lack it, and will increase in those who have it. In this way you will attract more and more people to Dhamma, for their own benefit.

So long as the base of Dhamma is strong, your service will always be fruitful, whether you help as an assistant teacher or in any other way. Keep Dhamma strong within yourself by regular practice of Dhamma. By doing so you will be able to help the spread of Dhamma effectively, for the good of many.

There is so much misery all around. If we can wipe the tears of even a few people who are suffering, we have paid back a little of our debt of gratitude to the Buddha and to the Sangha, the chain of teachers who have maintained the tradition from ancient times.

May all of you develop Dhamma strength. May you all keep growing in Dhamma, and help others to grow in Dhamma. May more and more people benefit from your service.

May the wheel of Dhamma keep rotating. May the light of Dhamma spread throughout the world. May the darkness of ignorance be dispelled. May more and more people come out of their misery. May all beings be happy, be peaceful, be liberated!

Bhavatu sabba maṅgalaṃ

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