Trang chủ Chỉ mục website Chỉ mục từ điển


ta (j)
tae-an (k)
t'aego (k)
taego (k)
t'aenǔng (k)
tago (j)
tahō (j)
tai (j)
tai (j)
tai (j)
tai (j)
tai (j)
tai (j)
tai (j)
tai (j)
tai, dai (j)
taiba hōjō (j)
taiben (j)
taichō (j)
taichō (j)
taidai (j)
taien (j)
taige (j)
taigen (j)
taigen-kanchi (j)
taihō (j)
taihō-ron (j)
taii (j)
taiji (j)
taiju (j)
taikō (j)
taiko (j)
taikon-kigyō-hō (j)
taikū (j)
taikūkan (j) 
taikutsu (j)
taiman (j)
taimō (j)
tainō (j)
taishakumō (j)
taishi (j)
taishō-shinshū-daizō-kyō (j)
taitai (j)
taiten (j)
tàiyáng jǐngxuán (c)
taiyō keigen (j)
taizen (j)
taizui hōshin (j)
taji (j)
50tajuyūshin (j)
takejizaiten (j)
taking the precepts of bodhi-mind (e)
taku (j)
taku (j)
taku, chaku, jaku (j)
takuan sōhō (j)
takuhatsu (j)
takutai (j)
tāla (s)
tālaḥi-bla-ma (t)
tamāla-pattra (s)
tamas (s)
tamon (j)
tan (j)
tan (j)
tan (j)
tan (j)
tan (j)
tan (j)
tan, dan (j)
tanbun (j)
tangen (j)
tangen ōshin (j)
taṇhā (p)
tanjaku (j)
tanka tennen (j)
tankū (j)
tanmayatā (s)
tanmun (k)
taṅtepa, siddha (s)
tantipa, mahāsiddha (s)
tantra (s)
tantra of the benevolent one-syllable buddha-corona (e) 
tantra of the mahāyāna meditation maṇḍala which purifies [transgressions and halts] the evil transmigrations (e)
tantra of the questions of subāhu (e)
tantra of uncanny success [in all endeavours] (e)
tantrayāna (s)
tanzen (j)
tapa (p)
tapa (s)
tapana-narakaḥ (s)
tapas (s)
tara (j)
tārā (s)
tārādevīnāmāsṭaśataka (s)
taraju (j)
tariki (j)
tarka (s)
tārkika (s)
100tarsa (s)
tasa (j)
taste (e)
tathā (s)
tathāgata (s)
tathāgata (s, p)
tathāgata-garbha (s) 
tathāgatagarbha-sūtra (s) 
tathatā (s)
tathātva (s)
tatra-tatra (s)
tatsu, datsu (j)
tattva (s)
tattvasaṃgraha (s)
tattvasya-lakṣaṇam (s)
tayo-vihārā (p)
teach (e)
teaching for humans and gods (e)
teaching of the lesser vehicle (e)
teaching of the phenomenal appearances of elemental constructs (e) 
teaching that refutes phenomenal appearances (e)
teaching that reveals the nature (e)
teachings and practices that arise in accordance with the capacity (e)
tei (j)
tei, tai, dai (j)
teibadatta (j)
teigen-shakukyou-roku-ryaku-shutsu (j)
teisetsu (j)
teja-dhātu (s)
tejas (s)
temple superintendent (e)
ten (j)
ten (j)
ten (j)
ten (j)
ten (j)
ten (j)
ten (j)
ten abidings (e)
ten aspects (e)
ten basic defilements (e)
ten bodies of the buddha (e)
ten buddhas (e)
ten cakras of kṣitigarbha, mahāyāna great collection sūtra (e)
ten dedications (of merit) (e)
ten directions of space (e)
ten disciples (e)
ten epithets of the buddha (e)
ten evil deeds (e)
ten faiths (e)
150ten fetters (e)
ten good acts (e)
ten kings (e)
ten pāramitās (e)
ten perfections (e)
ten powers (e)
ten practices (e)
ten precepts (e)
ten principal disciples (e)
ten rākṣasīs (e)
ten realms (e)
ten recitations vinaya (e)
ten schools (e)
ten stages (e)
ten teaching practices (e)
ten understandings (e)
tendai (j)
tendai tokushō (j)
tendai-hakkyō-daii (j)
tendai-shikyōgi (j)
tendai-shū (j)
tenden (j)
tendency (e)
tendō nyojō (j)
tendō-musō (j)
tendō-nyojō-zenji-goroku (j)
tendou (j)
tendō-zan (j)
ten'e (j)
tengen (j)
tengoku (j)
tengyur (t)
tenhō-shoushū-ki (j)
tenjikitokuchi (j)
tenjiku (j)
tenjikuji (j)
tenjin (j)
tenji-tōki (j)
tenjō (j)
tenju (j)
tenko (j)
tenko (j)
tennetsu (j)
tenninshi (j)
tennō dōgo (j)
tenrin (j)
tenrinō (j)
tenrinshōō (j)
tenryū (j)
tenryūhachibu (j)
200tenryūtasha (j)
tenshi (j)
tenshiki (j)
tenshikiron (j)
tenshin (j)
tenshō (j)
tenten (j) 
tentō (j)
tentō, tendō (j)
tenzo (j)
tenzo-kyōkun (j)
tera (j)
terma (t)
terton (t)
tetsu (j)
tettei (j)
tettsū gikai (j)
thaganapa, siddha (s)
thāma-bala (s) 
thangtong gyelpo (t)
thanka (t)
the meanings of 'hūṃ (e)
theory (e)
thera (p)
thera-gāthā (p)
theravāda (p)
therī (p)
therī-gāthā (p)
third buddhist council (e)
thirty verses on consciousness-only (e)
thirty verses on vijñapti-mātra treatise (e)
thirty-seven aids to enlightenment (e)
thirty-six parts of the human body (e)
thirty-two marks (e)
three affairs (e) 
three afflictions (e)
three awarenesses (e)
three baskets (e)
three bodies (e)
three capacities (e)
three categories (e)
three categories of self-restraint (e)
three degrees of worthies (e)
three delusions (e)
three doubts (e)
three emptinesses (e)
three feelings (e)
three fine and six coarse (defilements) (e)
three gates of liberation (e)
three good roots (e)
250three incalculable eons (e)
three karmic activities (e)
three kinds of attachment (e)
three kinds of causes (or conditions) (e)
three kinds of existence (e)
three kinds of objects (e)
three kinds of outflow (e)
three kinds of suffering (e)
three kinds of wisdom (e)
three minds (e)
three natures (e)
three non-natures (e)
three part syllogism (e)
three period teaching classification (e)
three periods (e)
three poisons (e)
three practices (e)
three realms (e)
three requests (e)
three samādhis (e)
three seals of the dharma (e)
three subtle marks (e) 
three subtleties (e)
three teachings (e)
three time periods (e)
three times (e)
three treasures (e)
three treatises (e)
three undefiled faculties (e)
three views (e)
three worthies (e)
threefold truth (e)
three-part distinguishing (e)
three-treatise school (e)
thūpa (p) 
tiānhuáng dàowù (c)
tiānlóng (c)
tiāntāi désháo (c)
tiāntāi-zōng (c)
tiāntóng rújìng (c)
tiāntóng-shān (c)
tiānwáng (c)
tiānyī yìhuái (c)
tibet (e)
tibetan buddhism (e)
tīkṣna-indriya (s)
tilakkhaṇa (p)
tilopa, mahāsiddha (s)
time school (e)
tipiṭaka (p)
300tiraskrta (s)
tiratana (p)
tiryag-yoni (s)
tisaraṇa (p)
tisrovidyā (s)
tisso-sikkhā (p)
tisthati (s) 
to (j)
to (j)
to (j)
to impo (j)
tō, dō (j)
to, tō (j)
tō, zu (j)
tobi (j)
tōbyō (j)
tōchi (j)
tō-daisen-fukuji-kojishu-honkyō-daitoku-hōzō ōshō-den (j)
tōdatsu (j)
tōdō (j)
tōdōru (j)
tōfukuji (j)
tōgaku (j)
tōgan (j)
tōhigan (j)
tōhō anshu (j)
tōhon (j)
tō-issai-butsu (j)
tōjō (j)
tōjō (j)
tōjōgensō (j)
tōkaku (j)
tokaku (j)
tōki (j)
tōki (j)
tōkizen (j)
tōko (j)
toku (j)
toku (j)
toku (j)
tokudo (j)
tokusan senkan (j)
350tokusei (j)
tokushi (j)
tokuyō (j)
tō-muken'en (j)
ton (j)
ton (j)
ton'ai (j)
tondan (j)
tōnen (j)
tóngfēng ānzhǔ (c)
tongo (j)
tongo-nyūdō-yōmon-ron (j)
tonki (j)
tonshinchi (j)
tonshō (j)
tonyoku (j)
tōrai (j)
tōraibutsu (j)
tōren (j)
tōrisan (j)
tōriten (j)
torpor (e)
tōru (j)
tōsan shusho (j)
tōshi (j)
tōshin (j) 
tōshō (j) 
tōshōai (j)
tōshū (j)
toshū (j)
tosō (j)
tōsoku (j)
tosotsu (j)
tosotsu jūetsu (j)
tosotsuten (j)
tosotsuten (j)
tōsu daidō (j)
tōsu gisei (j)
tōtai (j)
tōtetsu (j)
tōtō (j)
tōtō (j)
tōtō (j)
totsu (j)
touch (e)
toŭi (k)
touiki-dentō-mokuroku (j)
tóuzǐ dàtóng (c)
tóuzǐ yìqīng (c)
toyun (k)
400tōzan ryōkai (j)
tōzan shusho (j)
tozen (j)
traceless nature (e)
traidhātuka (s)
trailokya (s)
trailokyavijaya-mahākalparāja (s)
transcend (e) 
transformation body (e)
transformation buddha (e)
transformation of the basis (e)
transformation-response body (e)
transforming consciousness (e)
transmigration (e)
transmission of the lamp (e)
transmission of the robe (e)
transmit (e)
transmundane dharmas (e)
transmundane path (e)
trāsa (s)
trasana (s)
trāsita (s)
traya-āsravāh (s)
trāyastriṃśa (s)
trayo-vihārāḥ (s)
treasury of abhidharma, verses (e)
treatise (e)
treatise explaining mahāyāna (e) 
treatise of acclamation of the sagely teaching (e)
treatise of the twelve aspects (e)
treatise on questions between confucianism (e)
treatise on stirring the anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhicitta in the vajraśekhara yoga (e) 
treatise on the eighteen emptinesses (e) 
treatise on the great vehicle abhidharma (e)
treatise on the new translation of the flower ornament scripture (e)
treatise on the scripture of adorning the great vehicle (e) 
treatise on the sūtra of the questions asked by maitreya (e)
treatise on the ten padārthas (e)
treatise on the three non-natures (e)
treatise on the transformation of consciousness (e)
tricīvara (s)
trickery (e)
triduḥkhatā (s)
trikāya (s)
trikoṇa (s) 
trilakṣaṇa (s)
triloka (s)
triṃsikā (s)
triṃśikavijñaptimātratā-kārikā (s)
triṃśikā-vijñaptimātratāsiddhiḥ (s)
450tripiṭaka (s)
tripiṭaka compiled at the council of mahākāśyapa (e)
tripiṭaka master śubhā's guide to meditation (e)
triple truth (e)
triple world (e)
triratna (s)
trisāhasra-mahāsāhasra-loka-dhātu (s)
trisamaya: esoteric recitation method of immovable, the sacred one (e)
trisamayavyūharāja-nāma-tantra (s) 
tri-saṃgati-pratyaya (s)
triśaraṇa (s)
triśikṣā (s)
trisvabhāva (s)
triumphant yoga of the nonduality of sameness, great king of tantras (e) 
triyāna (s)
tṛṣṇā (s)
tṛṣṭa (s)
true pure land school (e)
true thusness (e)
truth (e)
truth body (e)
try-adhvahak (s)
try-adhvan (s)
try-asvabhāva-prakaraṇa (s)
tsogchen (t)
tsongkhapa (t)
tsū (j)
tsūbetsu (j)
tsūbutsukyō (j)
tsūdatsu (j)
tsūdatsui (j)
tsūgen jakurei (j)
tsui (j)
tsuike (j)
tsūkoku (j)
tsūmon (j)
tsūsō (j)
tulku (t)
tulya-kāla (s)
tumo (t)
tuṣita (s)
tuṣita heaven (e)
tūsnīmbhāva (s)
tuṣṭi (s)
twelve binding views (e)
twelve limbs of dependent origination (e)
twelve loci (e)
twelve names of the great auspicious goddess (e)
twenty verses on consciousness-only (e)
twenty-eight heavens (e)
500twenty-five (stages of) existence (e)
twenty-one hymns to the rescuer saint tārā, mother of buddhas (e)
two hindrances (e)
two kinds of death (e)
two kinds of defilements (e)
two kinds of emptiness (e)
two kinds of extinction (e)
two kinds of improvements (e)
two kinds of patience (e)
two kinds of saṃsāra (e)
two kinds of wisdom (e)
two minds (e)
two transformations (e)
two vehicles (e)
two views (e)
two views of self (e)
two virtues (e)


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