Volume 4: The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the World, the 4th section
Furthermore, The Fire Spirit Repository of Flames of Universal Light found the door of liberation removing the darkness of all worlds. The Fire Spirit Banner of Universal Assembly of Light found the door of liberation able to end all sentient beings delusions, wanderings, and pains of irritating afflictions. The Fire Spirit Great Light Shining Everywhere found the door of liberation of the treasury of great compassion with the immutable power of enriching. The Fire Spirit Topknot of Inexhaustible Light found the door of liberation of Light Beams Illuminating the boundless reaches of space. The Fire Spirit Eyes of Various Flames found the door of liberation of silent, serene lights in various magnificent arrays. The Fire Spirit Palace of Wonders found the door of liberation observing the Buddhas spiritual powers appearing without bound. The Fire Spirit Palaces in All Directions Like Polar Mountains found the door of liberation able to extinguish the blazing torments of all beings in all worlds. The Fire Spirit Sovereign of Awesome Light found the door of liberation able to freely enlighten all beings. The Fire Spirit Light Shining in All Directions found the door of liberation destroying forever all ignorant attached opinions. The fire Spirit Thunder Enlightening found the door of liberation of the great roar of power to fulfill all undertakings.
At that time the fire spirit Repository of Flames of Universal Light imbued with power from the Buddha looked over all the Fire Spirits and said in verse,
Observe the Buddhas Power of Energy--
For Vast, inconceivable millions of eons
They have appeared in the world to help sentient beings
causing all barriers of darkness to be destroyed
Sentient Beings in their folly create various views
Their passions are like Torrents, like fires blazing
The Guides Techniques Remove them all
Banner of Universal Assembly of Light Understands this.
Blessings and Virtues like space, unending¡ª
No bounds to them can ever be found
This is the Buddhas immutable power of compassion
Light Shining realizing this conceives Great Joy
I observe the Buddhas practices
Over the eons, without bound
Thus manifesting spiritual powers
Palace of Wonders understands this.
Practice perfected over Billions of Eons, inconceivable
To which no one can find any bound or limit
Buddha expounds the real character of things, causing joy
This is Perceived by Inexhaustible Light.
All the vast masses in the Ten Directions
Behold the Buddha present before them
The tranquil light clearly lighting the world:
This Subtle Flames can Comprehend.
Sage appears in all worlds
Sitting in all of their palaces
Raining the boundless great teaching
This is the perspective of All Directions
The Buddhas wisdom is most profound;
Free in all ways, they appear in the world
Able to clarify all genuine truths
Awesome Light, realizing this, rejoices at heart.
The Folly of Views is a dark veil
Beings, deluded, eternally wander
For them, Buddha opens the gate of sublime teaching
Illuminating all Quarters can understand this.
The Gate of Buddhas' Vows is vast, inconceivable--
Their powers and transcendent ways are developed and purified
All appear in the world according to their ancient vows
This is what Thunder and Lightning understands.
Furthermore, The Water Spirit Ubiquitous Cloud Banner realized the door of liberation of compassion equally benefiting all beings. The water spirit Cloud Like Sound of the Ocean Tide found the door of liberation adorned with boundless truths. The Water Spirit Beautiful Round Topknot found the door of liberation observing those who could be taught and dealing with them with appropriate techniques. The Water Spirit Whirlpool of Skills found the door of liberation everywhere expounding the most profound realm of the Buddhas. The Water Spirit Store of undefiled Fragrance found the door of liberation everywhere manifesting pure, bright light. The Water Spirit Virtue Bridge Light-Sound found the sign-less, essence-less door of liberation of the pure realm of truth. The Water Spirit Freedom of Contentment found the door of liberation of the inexhaustible ocean of great compassion. The Water Spirit Good Sound of Pure Joy found the door of liberation being a mine of great joy among the hosts of enlightening beings at sites of enlightenment. The Water Spirit Everywhere Manifesting Awesome Light found the door of liberation appearing everywhere by means of the unimpeded, immensely vast power of virtue. The Water Spirit Roaring Sound Filling the Sea found the door of liberation observing all sentient beings and producing infinite techniques for harmonizing and pacifying them.
At that time the Water Spirit Ubiquitous Cloud Banner imbued with power from the Buddha looked over all the Water Spirits and said,
Gates of Pure Compassion, as many as atoms in all lands,
Together produce a single sublime feature of the Buddha.
Other features are also are each like this:
Therefore beholders of Buddha never become Jaded.
When the Buddha cultivated practice in the past,
He went to visit all of the Buddhas,
Cultivating himself in various ways, never lax:
These methods Cloud Sound enters.
The Buddha, In all ten directions,
Is still unmoving, not coming or going
Yet teaches beings appropriately causing them all to see:
This is what Round Topknot Knows.
The realm of the Buddha is boundless, immeasurable--
All sentient beings cannot comprehend it.
The preaching of his wondrous voice fills all directions
This is Technique Whirlpool's Sphere.
The Light of the Buddha has no end
It fills the cosmos inconceivably
Teaching, edifying, liberating beings:
This Pure Fragrance watches and sees.
The Buddha is pure as space,
Sign-less, Form-less, Present everywhere,
Yet causing all beings to see
This Light of Blessings well observes.
Of old, Buddha practiced great compassion
His mind as broad as all life.
Therefore he is like a cloud appearing in the world
This Liberation Contentment Knows.
All Lands in the ten directions
See the Buddha sitting on his seat
Becoming clearly enlightened with great realization
This is where Joyful Sound enters in.
Buddhas sphere of action is free from hindrance--
He goes to all lands in the ten directions,
everywhere showing great mystic powers--
Manifesting Awesome Light has realized this.
He cultivates boundless expedient practices
Equal to the worlds of sentient beings, Filling them all,
The Subtle action of his mystic power never ceasing:
Roaring Sound Filling the Sea can enter this.
Furthermore, The Ocean Spirit Producing Jewel Light found the door of liberation impartially bestowing an Ocean of Blessings on all beings. The Ocean Spirit Unbreakable Diamond Banner found the door of liberation preserving the good roots of all sentient beings by skilful means. The Ocean Spirit Undefiled found the door of liberation able to evaporate the Ocean of all Sentient Beings afflictions. The Ocean Spirit Always Dwelling in the Waves found the door of liberation causing all sentient beings to depart from evil ways. The Ocean Spirit Auspicious Jewel Moon found the door of liberation Everywhere destroying the darkness of great ignorance. The Ocean Spirit Beautiful Flower Dragon Topknot found the door of liberation extinguishing the Sufferings of all states of being and bestowing peace and happiness. The Ocean Spirit Everywhere Holding the Flavor of Light found the door of liberation Purifying all Sentient beings of their opinionated, ignorant nature. The Ocean Spirit Jewel Flame Flower Light found the door of liberation producing the will of enlightenment, which is the source of all nobility. The Ocean Spirit Beautiful Diamond Topknot found the door of liberation of the ocean of virtues of the unshakable mind. The Ocean Spirit Thunder of the Sea Tide found the door of liberation entering everywhere into absorption in the cosmos of reality.
At that time, the Ocean Spirit Producing Jewel Light Imbued with power from the Buddha, Looked over all the ocean spirits and spoke these verses,
Over an Ocean of inconceivably Vast Eons
He made offerings to all the Buddhas,
Distributing the merit to all living beings--
That is why his dignity is beyond compare.
Appearing in all worlds,
Knowing the capacities and desires of all beings,
Buddha expounds for them the ocean of truths:
This is Joyfully Realized by Indestructible Banner.
All sentient beings are shrouded by afflictions
Roaming in all conditions, subject to all miseries--
For them he reveals the state of Buddhahood.
Palace of all Waters enters this door.
Buddha, in unthinkable oceans of eons,
Cultivated all practices endlessly,
Forever Cutting the net of Beings confusion:
Jewel Moon can clearly Enter this.
Buddha sees beings always afraid
Whirling in the Ocean of Birth and Death
He shows them the Buddhas unexcelled way
Dragon Topknot, comprehending, gives rise to joy.
The realm of the Buddhas cannot be conceived--
It is equal to the cosmos and space--
It can clear away beings' net of delusion:
This Flower Holding is able to Expound.
The Buddha eye is pure and inconceivable
Comprehensively viewing all things
He points out to all the excellent paths
This, Flower Light understands.
The army of demons, huge, uncountable,
He destroys in the space of an instant
His mind undisturbed, unfathomable:
This is Diamond Topknot's Technique.
Speaking a Wondrous Sound in the Ten Directions,
That sound pervades the entire universe--
Such is the Buddha's Samadhi state
This is the realm of Ocean Tide Thunder.
Furthermore, the River Spirit Everywhere Producing Swift Currents found the door of liberation everywhere raining the Boundless rain of truth. The River Spirit Universally Purifying Springs and Streams found the door of liberation appearing before all sentient beings and causing them to be forever free from afflictions. The River Spirit Dust Free Pure Eye found the door of liberation by compassion and appropriate techniques washing away the dust of delusions from all sentient beings. The River spirit Roaring Everywhere found the door of liberation constantly producing sounds beneficial to all sentient beings. The River Spirit Rescuing Sentient Beings everywhere found the door of liberation always being non-malevolent and kind towards all sentient beings. The River Spirit Heatless Pure Light found the door of liberation Showing all pure and cool roots of goodness. The River Spirit Universally Causing Joy found the door of liberation cultivating complete generosity, causing all sentient beings to forever give up stinginess and attachment. The River Spirit Supreme Banner of Extensive Virtue found the door of liberation Being a Field of Blessings giving Joy to All. The River Spirit Light Shining on all worlds found the door of liberation causing all defiled beings to be pure, and all those poisoned with anger become joyful. The River Spirit Light of Oceanic Virtues found the door of liberation Able to Cause all sentient beings to enter the ocean of liberation and always experience complete bliss.
At that time the river spirit Everywhere Producing Swift Currents, imbued with the power of the Buddhas, looked over all the river spirits and spoke in verse,
Of old the Buddha, For the Sake of all beings,
Cultivated boundless practices of ocean of truth;
Like refreshing rain clearing blazing heat,
He extinguishes the heat of beings afflictions.
Buddha, in uncountable past eons,
Purified the world with the light of his vows,
Causing the Mature to realize enlightenment:
This is the realization of Universal Purifier.
With compassion and Methods numerous as beings
He appears before all, always guiding,
Clearing away the dirt of afflictions:
Pure Eyes, seeing this, rejoices profoundly.
Buddhas Speak of wondrous sound, causing all to hear--
Sentient beings, delighted, have hearts full of joy.
Causing them to wash away innumerable pains:
This is the liberation of Everywhere Roaring.
The Buddha cultivated enlightenment practice
to aid sentient beings for innumerable ages--
Therefore his light fills the world
The Spirit Guardian, Remembering is happy.
The Buddha cultivated practices for the sake beings
By various means making them mature
Purifying the ocean of blessings, removing all pains
Heatless, seeing this, rejoices at heart.
The gate of generosity is inexhaustible
Benefiting all sentient beings
Causing witnesses to have no attachment:
This is the enlightenment of Universal Joy.
Buddha cultivated genuine methods of enlightenment
Developing a boundless ocean of Virtues
Causing witness all to rejoice
This supreme Banner Happily Realizes.
He clears away the defilements of beings
Equally compassionate even to the vicious
Therefore acquiring radiance filling all space
Light shining on All Worlds sees and rejoices
Buddha is the field of blessings, ocean of virtues
Able to cause all to abandon evil
And fulfill great enlightenment
This is the liberation of Ocean Light.
Furthermore, the crop spirit Gentle Superb Flavor found the door of liberation bestowing Dharma-flavor on all sentient beings, causing them to develop a Buddha Body. The crop spirit Pure Light of Seasonal Flowers found the door of liberation able to cause all sentient beings to experience great joy and happiness. The crop spirit Physical Strength Courage and Health found the door of liberation purifying all realms by means of all round, complete teachings. The crop spirit Increasing Vitality found the door of liberation seeing the boundless mystical powers compassionately used by the Buddha edifying demonstrations. The crop spirit Everywhere Producing Roots and Fruits found the door of liberation everywhere revealing the Buddha's field of blessings and causing seeds planted there not to spoil. The crop Spirit Wonderfully Adorned Circular Topknot found the door of liberation causing the flower of sentient beings everywhere to bloom. The crop spirit Moistening Pure Flowers found the door of liberation compassionately saving sentient beings and causing them to increase in blessings and virtue. The crop spirit Developing Wonderful Fragrance found the door of liberation extensively demonstrating all methods of enlightening practice. The crop spirit Like by All who See found the door of liberation able to cause all sentient beings in the universe to abandon such ills as sloth and anxiety and to becomes pure in all ways. The Crop Spirit Pure Light found the door of liberation observing the good roots of all sentient beings, explaining the truth to them in appropriate ways, bringing joy and fulfillment to the masses.
At that time the crop spirit Gentle Superb Flavor, imbued with power from the Buddha, Looked over all the Crop Spirits and said,
The Buddhas Ocean of Unexcelled Virtues
Manifests a lamp which illumines the world:
Saving and protecting all sentient beings
He gives them all peace, not leaving without one.
The Buddhas virtues are boundless--
No beings hear them in Vain--
He causes them to be free from suffering and always happy
This is what Seasonal Flavors enters into
The powers of the Buddha are all complete--
His array of virtues appears in the world
And all sentient beings are harmonized
To this fact Courage Power can witness
The Buddha cultivated an ocean of compassion
The heart always as broad as the whole world
Therefore his spiritual powers are boundless
Increased Vitality can see this.
Buddha always appears throughout the world
None of his methods are employed in vain
Clearing away beings' delusions and torments
This is the liberations of Universal Producer.
Buddha is the great ocean of knowledge in the world
Emanating pure light which reaches everywhere
Whence is born all great faith and resolution
Thus can Adorned Topknot clearly enter
Buddha, observing the world, conceives kind compassion,
Appearing in order to aid sentient beings
Showing them the supreme way of peace and joy
This is the liberation of Pure Flowers
The pure practices cultivated by Buddha
Are fully expounded under the tree of enlightenment
Thus edifying everyone in all quarters
This, Wonderful Fragrance can hear.
Buddha, in all worlds,
Brings Freedom from sorrow, creating great Joy
All potentials and aspirations he purifies
The spirit Pleasing understands this.
The Buddha appears in the world
Observes the inclinations of all beings
And matures them by various means
This is the liberation of Pure Light.
Furthermore, the herb spirit Auspicious found the door of liberation observing the mentalities of all sentient beings and striving to unify them. The herb spirit Sandalwood Forest found the door of liberation embracing all sentient beings with light and causing those who see it not to waste the experience. The herb spirit Pure Light found the door of liberation able to annihilate the afflictions of all sentient beings by pure techniques. The herb spirit Universal Renown found the door of liberation able to increase the boundless ocean of good roots by means of a great reputation. The herb spirit Radiant Pores found the door of liberation hurrying to all sites of illness with the banner of great compassion. The herb spirit Darkness Destroying Purifier found the door of liberation able to cure all blind sentient beings and cause their eye of wisdom to be clear. The herb spirit Roarer found the door of liberation able to expound the verbal teaching of the Buddha explaining the different meanings of all things. The herb spirit Banner of Light Outshining the Sun found the door of liberation able to be the advisor of all sentient beings, causing all who see to produce roots of goodness. The herb spirit Seeing in All Directions found the door of liberation of the mine of pure compassion able to make beings give rise to faith and resolve by means of appropriate techniques. The herb spirit Everywhere Emanating Majestic Light found the door of liberation causing beings to remember Buddha, thereby eliminating their sickness.
At that time the Herb Spirit Auspicious, imbued with power from the Buddha looked over all the herb spirits and said,
The Buddha's Knowledge is inconceivable--
He knows the minds of all sentient beings,
And by the power of Various Techniques
Destroys their delusions and infinite pains.
The Great Hero's Skills cannot be measured
Nothing he does is ever in Vain
Unfailingly Causing the suffering of beings to vanish
Sandalwood Forest can understand this.
Observe the Buddha's teaching like so
He practiced for innumerable eons
And has no attachment to anything
This is the entry of Pure Light.
A Buddha is hard to meet in a million ages
If any can see one or hear one's name
It will unfailingly bring benefit
This is the understanding of Universal Renown
Each of the Buddha's hair pores
Emits light annulling distress
Causing worldly afflictions to end
This is the entry of Radiant Pores.
All sentient beings are blinded by ignorance
With an infinite variety of miseries from deluded acts--
Buddha clears it all away and opens the radiance of wisdom
This Darkness Breaker can see.
One tone of the Buddha has no limiting measure--
It can open up the ocean of all teachings
So that all who hear can comprehend
This is the liberation of Great Sound.
See how Buddha's knowledge is inconceivable--
Appearing in all realms he saves beings there,
Able to make those who see follow his teaching
This Outshining the Sun deeply understands
Buddha's Ocean of compassionate means
Is produced to help the world
Opening the right path wide to show beings
This Seeing in All Directions can comprehend
Buddha emits great light all around
Illumining all in the ten directions
Causing virtue to grow as the Buddha's remembered
This is the Liberation door of Majestic Light.
Furthermore, the forest spirit Spreading Flowers like Clouds found the door of liberation of the repository of the vast, boundless sea of knowledge. The forest spirit Outstanding Trunk Unfolding Light found the door of liberation of Great Cultivation and universal purification. The forest spirit Bearing Branches Emitting Radiant Light found the door of liberation increasing the growth of all sorts of sprouts of pure faith. The forest spirit Auspicious Pure Leaves found the door of liberation arrayed with all Pure Virtues. The forest spirit Draped Flame Treasury found the door of liberation of universal Wisdom Always viewing the entire cosmos. The forest spirit Pure Arrays of Light found the door of liberation knowing the ocean of all sentient beings activities and producing and spreading clouds of teaching. The forest spirit Pleasant Thunder found the door of liberation enduring all unpleasant sounds and producing pure sounds. The forest spirit Light and Fragrance All-Pervading found the door of liberation showing the vast realm of practices cultivated and mastered in the past. The forest spirit Subtle Light Shining Far found the door of liberation benefiting the world by means of all virtuous qualities. The forest spirit Flowers and Fruits Savoring of Light found the door of liberation able to cause all to see the Buddha appearing in the world, to always remember with respect and never forget, and adorn the mine of virtues.
At that time the Forest Spirit Spreading Flowers Like Clouds, imbued with power from the Buddha, looked over all the Forest Spirits and said,
In the past Buddha cultivated enlightening practices;
His virtue and wisdom are thoroughly complete
He has all powers fully in command
Emitting great light, he appears in the world.
The aspects of his compassion are as infinite as beings
Buddha purified them all in eons past
And therefore is able to bring aid to the world
This is the understanding of Outstanding Trunk.
Once sentient beings see the Buddha
He'll plunge them into the ocean of faith
Showing to all the enlightening way
This is the liberation of Wonderful Branches.
The virtues amassed in a single pore
Cannot be all not told of in an ocean of eons
The Buddhas techniques are inconceivable
Pure Leaves can understand this teaching.
I recall the Buddha in the past
Made offerings to infinite numbers of Buddhas
His knowledge becoming clear with each
This is what Store of Flames understands.
The ocean of actions of all sentient beings
The Buddha knows in an instant of thought
Such vast unhindered knowledge
Beautiful Adornments can begin to realize.
Always intoning the Buddhas serene, sublime sound
Produces incomparable joy everywhere
Causing all to awaken according to their understanding and inclination
This is the principle of Thunder Sounds practice.
The Buddha shows great mystic powers
All throughout the ten directions
Causing all his past deeds to be seen
This is where wheel All-Pervading Light and Fragrance Enters.
Sentient beings are dishonest and don't practice virtue
Lost and deluded they sink and flow in birth and death
For them he clearly opens the paths of knowledge
This is seen by Subtle Light.
Buddha, for the sake of beings blocked by habits
Appears in the world after of millions of eons
Causing them to see always for the rest of time
This is observed by Saver of Light.
Furthermore, The Mountain Spirit Jewel Peak Blooming Flowers found the door of liberation entering the light of absorption in great quiescence. The Mountain Spirit Flower Forest Topknot found the door of liberation cultivating and collecting good roots of kindness and developing an inconceivable number of beings to maturity. The Mountain Spirit Lofty Banner Shining Everywhere found the door of liberation Looking into the inclinations of all sentient beings and purifying their senses. The Mountain Spirit Undefiled Jewel Topknot found the door of liberation of boundless eons of diligent striving without becoming weary or remiss. The Mountain Spirit Light Illumining All Directions found the door of liberation awakening all with lights of infinite qualities. The Mountain Spirit Light of Great Power found the door of liberation of capability of self development and causing sentient beings to give up deluded behavior. The Mountain Spirit Awesome Light Conquering All found the door of liberation removing all pains so that none are left. The Mountain Spirit Light Orb of Subtle Intensity found the door of liberation spreading the light of the teachings, showing the virtues of all Buddhas. The Mountain Spirit Universal Eye Clearly See found the door of liberation causing all sentient beings to make their roots of goodness grow even in dreams. The Mountain Spirit Adamantine Eye of Mystery found the door of liberation bringing forth the great ocean of meaning.
At that time, the Mountain Spirit Blooming Flowers all over the Earth, imbued with power from the Buddha, surveyed all the hosts of mountain spirits and said in verse,
Having cultivated excellent practices without bound
Now he has attained mystic powers, also infinite.
His gates of teaching are wide open, numerous as atoms,
Causing all sentient beings to deeply understand and rejoice.
His body, adorned in many ways, is omnipresent,
The lights from his pores are all pure
With compassionate techniques he teaches all
Flower Forest Topknot understands this.
The Buddha-Body appears everywhere¡ªits boundless,
Filling all worlds in the ten directions,
All faculties pure, a joy to all beholders.
This truth High banner can Understand.
For eons practicing diligently without flagging,
Unaffected by worldly things, like empty space,
By various means he edifies beings:
Realizing this is Jewel Topknot.
Sentient beings blindly enter dangerous paths;
Pitying them, Buddha emits shining Light,
Causing all beings thereby to awake:
Awesome light, understanding this, rejoices.
Extensively cultivating practices in all states of being,
He made offerings to innumerable Buddhas,
Causing beings who saw to make great vows:
This Great Power can clearly enter.
Seeing beings sufferings in transmigration,
Always enshrouded by barriers of doing,
He extinguishes all with the light of wisdom,
This is the liberation of conquering all.
Each of his pores emits subtle sound
Praising the Buddhas in accord with beings mentalities
Pervading all quarters for uncounted ages:
This is the door by which Light Orb has entered.
Buddha appears throughout the ten directions
Expounding the Subtle truth by various means,
With an ocean of practices abiding all beings:
This is what Clearly Seeing has understood.
The Gates of the Teaching are boundless as the sea
He expounds it with one voice making all understand,
Preaching forever with never an end:
Delving into this technique is Diamond Eye.
Furthermore, the Earth Spirit Pure Flower of Universal Virtue found the door of liberation constantly watching all sentient beings with an attitude of kindness and compassion. The Earth Spirit Adornment of Stable Blessings found the door of liberation manifesting the power of blessings and virtues of all sentient beings. The Earth Spirit Beautiful Flower Adorned Tree found the door of liberation Entering into all things and producing adornment for all Buddha fields. The Earth Spirit Universal Distribution of Treasures found the door of liberation cultivating and producing various states of meditation and causing sentient beings to get rid of obstructing defilements. The Earth Spirit Pure Eye observing the Season found the door of liberation causing all sentient beings to sport happily. The Earth Spirit Beautiful Golden Eyes found the door of liberation manifesting all pure bodies and harmonizing sentient beings. The Earth Spirit Fragrant Hair emitting light found the door of liberation of great power comprehending the ocean of virtues of all Buddhas. The Earth Spirit Silent Pleasing Sound found the door of liberation holding the ocean of speech sounds of all sentient beings. The Earth Spirit Curled Topknot of Beautiful Flowers found the door of liberation of the undefiled nature pervading all Buddha fields. The Earth Spirit Indestructible All Sustainer found the door of liberation revealing all that is contained in the cycles of teachings of all Buddhas.
At that time, the Earth Spirit Pure Flower of Universal Virtue, imbued with power from the Buddha, looked over all the Earth Spirits and said,
The doors of compassion opened by the Buddha
In every moment in the past cannot be all told of
He cultivated such practice unceasingly,
Therefore he has an indestructible body.
The Store of Blessings of All
Sentient Beings in all times, As well as enlightening beings,
All appear in the Buddhas Pores:
Adornment of Blessings, seeing this, rejoices.
His vast state of serene absorption
Is unborn, imperishable, has no coming or going;
Yet he purifies lands to show sentient beings
This is the Liberation of Flowered Tree.
Buddha Cultivated various practices
To make sentient beings dissolve all barriers;
Universal Distributor of Treasure
Sees this Liberation and rejoices.
The sphere of the Buddha is boundless--
He appears every moment throughout the world:
Observing the Season with Pure Eyes,
Seeing Buddha's realm of action, is joyful.
His sublime voice is limitless and inconceivable--
He destroys afflictions for all sentient beings:
Diamond Eye can realize this,
Seeing Buddhas boundless supreme virtues.
He appears in disguise in all kinds of forms
All throughout the universe:
Fragrant Hair Emitting Light always sees Buddha
Thus teaching all sentient beings.
His sublime voice extends everywhere
Explaining for beings for infinite eons
Pleasing Sound earth spirit comprehends this
And, hearing it from the Buddha, is reverently joyful.
Buddha's pores emit clouds of fragrant flames
Filling the world according to the mentalities of beings:
All who see this develop maturity:
This is what Flower Swirl observes.
Stable and unbreakable as Diamond
More unshakable than the Polar Mountain
The Buddha's body is in the world this way
All-Sustainer, able to see, gives rise to joy.
Furthermore, the city spirit Jewel Peak Radiance found the door of liberation benefiting sentient beings by appropriate means. The City Spirit Beautifully Adorned Palace found the door of liberation knowing the faculties of sentient beings and teaching and maturing them. The city spirit Jewel of Pure Joy found the door of liberation always joyfully causing all sentient beings to receive various blessings. The City Spirit Sorrow-less Purity found the door of liberation of the mine of great compassion saving those in fear. The City Spirit Flower Lamp Flame Eyes found the door of liberation of universally clear great wisdom and knowledge. The City Spirit Flame Banner Clearly Showing found the door of liberation appearing everywhere with appropriate means. The City Spirit Light of Virtue found the door of liberation observing all sentient beings and causing them to cultivate the vast ocean of virtue. The City Spirit Body of Pure Light found the door of liberation awakening all sentient beings from the darkness of ignorance. The city of spirit Eyes of Light of a Mountain of Jewels found the door of liberation able to pulverize the mountains of obstructions hindering sentient beings, by means of a great light.
At that time the City Spirit Jewel Peak Radiance, imbued with power from the Buddha, Surveyed all the hosts of City Spirits and said in verse,
The Guide is so inconceivable,
With light illuminating the Ten Directions:
All sentient beings see Buddha Before them,
Teaching and developing countless numbers.
The faculties of sentient beings are each different;
The Buddha knows them all.
The spirit Beautifully Adorned Palaces
Enters this gate of teaching with joy.
The Buddha cultivated practices for boundless eons,
Maintaining the teachings of the Buddha of past ages,
His mind always happily accepting them:
Jewel of Joy realizes this way.
Buddha in past was already able to remove
The fears of all sentient beings
And always exercise kindness and compassion toward them:
This, the spirit, sorrow less comprehends with joy.
Buddha's knowledge is vast and boundless;
Like space it cannot be measured.
Flower Eyes, realizing this, is pleased:
He can study the Buddhas ineffable wisdom.
The Buddhas physical forms are equal to sentient beings--
He causes them to see him according to their inclinations;
Flame Banner Clearly Showing understands this in his heart.
And practices this technique, producing joy.
Buddha cultivated an ocean of myriad blessings--
Pure, Vast, without any bounds:
Light of Virtue Banner, Taking this approach,
Contemplates, Comprehends, and is happy in mind.
Sentient beings ignorantly wander through various states of existence;
Like people born blind, after all they cannot see.
Buddha appears in the world to help them:
Pure light enters this door.
The Buddha's powers are boundless,
Like Clouds covering all the world;
He appears even in dreams to teach:
This is what Fragrant Banner perceives.
Sentient beings are foolish and ignorant, as though blind and deaf,
They are shrouded by all kinds of obstructing veils;
Buddhas light penetrates them, making them open up:
Such is the entry way of mountain of jewels.
Furthermore, The sanctuary spirit Banner of Pure adornments found the door of liberation of the power of commitment to produce vast adornments to offer to the Buddha. The sanctuary spirit Polar Mountain Jewel Light found the door of liberation Appearing Before all sentient beings perfecting the practice of great enlightenment. The sanctuary spirit Sign of the Thunder found the door of liberation causing all sentient beings to see the Buddha in Dreams teaching them according to their mentalities and according to their inclinations. The sanctuary spirit Wonderful Eyes raining flowers found the door of liberation able to rain all precious adornments that are hard to part with. The Sanctuary spirit Form of Pure Flowers found the door of liberation able to manifest beautifully adorned sanctuaries, teach many beings, and cause them to develop to maturity. The Sanctuary Spirit Garland Light Topknot found the door of liberation teaching the truth according to beings faculties, causing them to develop right awareness. The Sanctuary Spirit Raining Jewel Arrays found the door of liberation able to eloquently rain everywhere Boundless Joyous Truths. The Sanctuary Spirit Courageous Fragrant Eye found the door of liberation extensively praising the virtues of the Buddhas. The Sanctuary Spirit Diamond Colored Cloud found the door of liberation causing arrays of trees of boundless colors and forms to appear. The Sanctuary Spirit Lotus Light found the door of liberation being still and unmoving under the tree of enlightenment yet being present everywhere. The Sanctuary Spirit Radiance of Ineffable Light found the door of liberation demonstrating the various powers of a Buddha.
At that time the Sanctuary Spirit Banner of Pure Adornments, imbued with power from the Buddha, looked over all the sanctuary spirits and said,
I recall the Buddha in former times
The practices he performed for countless eons
Making offerings to all the Buddhas who appeared
So he has virtues vast as all space.
The Buddha practiced unlimited generosity
In infinite lands, numerous as all atoms.
Thinking of the Well-Faring Buddha
Polar Lights Heart is Glad.
Physical Forms of Buddha have no end;
His transformation pervade all lands,
Always appearing, even in dreams:
Thunder Banner, seeing this, gives rise to joy.
He practiced relinquishment for countless ages
Able to give up eyes, hard to part with, enough to fill a sea--
This practice of relinquishment was for the sake of all beings:
This, Wonderful Eyes happily understands.
Boundless forms, like blazing clouds of jewels,
Appear in sanctuaries throughout the world:
The spirit Form of Pure Flames rejoices
Upon seeing the mystical power of the Buddha.
The ocean of sentient beings activities is shore-less;
The Buddha fills it with the rain of truth,
Removing doubt and confusion according to potential
Flower Garland, realizing this is pleased.
The Different meanings of innumerable teachings
Are delved into by his oceanic eloquence:
The Spirit Raining Precious Adornments
Is always thus in mind.
In unspeakably many lands
He praised the Buddhas in all languages
And therefore has great fame and virtue:
Courageous Eye can keep this in mind.
Infinite Trees of various forms
Appear beneath the King Tree of Enlightenment:
Diamond Colored Cloud realizes this,
And always watches the tree with delight.
Bounds to the ten directions cannot be found
Likewise the knowledge of Buddha on the site of enlightenment:
The Lotus Lights Pure Mind of Faith
Enters this liberation and profoundly rejoices.
Everything at this site of enlightenment produces exquisite sound
Extolling the Pure, inconceivable powers of the Buddha
As well as the perfected causal practices:
This can be heard by ineffable Light.
Furthermore, the footstep following spirit Precious Symbol found the door of liberation raining jewels all over, producing bountiful joy. The Footstep-Following Spirit Lotus Light found the door of liberation showing the Buddha seated on a Lotus Throne of lights of all colors, causing delight to those who see. The Footstep-Following Spirit Supreme Flower Topknot found the door of liberation setting up the sanctuaries and assemblies of all Buddhas in every moment of thought. The Footstep-Following Spirit Embodying all beautiful visions found the door of liberation pacifying and harmonizing countless sentient beings at every step. The Footstep-Following Spirit Exquisite Gem Star Banner found the door of liberation in every moment of thought magically producing various Lotus-Like Webs of Light, everywhere raining showers of Jewel producing marvelous sounds. The Footstep-Following Spirit Joyfully Uttering Sublime Sounds found the door of liberation producing boundless oceans of joy. The Footstep-Following Spirit Sandalwood Tree Light found the door of liberation awakening the assemblies at all sites of enlightenment with a Fragrant Breeze. The Footstep Following Spirit Lotus Light emanating Light found the door of liberation from every pore intoning the subtle sounds of truth. The footstep-following period Subtle Light found the door of liberation producing from the body webs of various lights illuminating everywhere. The Footstep-Following Spirit Collection of Fine Flowers found the door of liberation enlightening all beings and causing them to develop oceans of virtues.
At that time the footstep following spirit Precious Symbol, imbued with the Buddhas power, surveyed all the assembled Footstep Following Spirits and said in verse,
Buddha practiced for innumerable eons,
making offerings to all the Buddhas,
His mind always joyful, never wearied,
His joy is deep and vast as the sea.
His spiritual powers, active every moment, are immeasurable--
He produces lotuses of various fragrances,
With Buddhas sitting on them, traveling all over:
Lotus Light sees it all.
The teaching of the Buddhas is thus:
The Vast assemblies fill all directions
They show mystic powers which can't be assessed:
This Supreme Flower clearly perceives.
In all places in the ten directions,
With every step he takes
He can develop all beings:
This beautiful visions understands.
He manifests bodies numerous as beings;
Each of these bodies fills the universe,
All shedding pure light and showering jewels:
This liberation Star Banner enters into.
The realm of the Buddha has no bounds
He showers the rain of truth, filling all--
Seeing the Buddha, the masses rejoice:
This is what's seen by Sublime Sound.
The Buddhas voice is equal in extent to space--
All sounds and voices are contained therein;
It tames sentient beings, extending to all:
Thus can Sandalwood hear.
All his pores emit magical sounds
Extolling the names of Buddhas of all times;
All who hear these sounds are delighted:
Thus does Lotus Light see.
The disguised appearances of the Buddha are inconceivable--
His physical forms are like the ocean,
Causing all to see according to mentality:
This is what Subtle Light apprehends.
Displaying great mystic powers everywhere,
He enlightens all beings:
Fine Flowers, seeing this truth,
Becomes joyful at heart.
Furthermore, the Multiple Body Spirit Realm of Pure Joy found the door of liberation remembering the ocean of Buddha's ancient vows. The Multiple Body Spirit Light Illuminating All Directions found the door of liberation of light shining everywhere on boundless worlds. The Multiple Body Spirit Oceanic Sound Conquering found the door of liberation of a great sound awakening all beings and causing them to be happy and harmoniously tranquil. The Multiple Body Spirit Pure Flower Adorned Topknot found the door of liberation of a Body Light Space, omnipresent. The Multiple Body Spirit Infinite Dignified Postures found the door of liberation showing all sentient beings the realm of the Buddhas. The multiple body spirit Array of Supreme Light found the door of liberation causing all famished sentient beings to be physically healthy and strong. The Multiple Body Spirit Fragrant Clouds of Pure Light found the door of liberation clearing away all sentient beings defiling afflictions. The multiple body spirit Guardian Sustainer found the door of liberation overturning all sentient beings' ignorant, foolish, maniacal actions. The Multiple Body Spirit Ubiquitous Shepard found the door of liberation manifesting adornments in the Palaces of all world leaders. The Multiple Body Spirit Immutable Light found the door of liberation embracing all sentient beings and causing them to produce pure roots of goodness.
At that time the Multiple Body Spirit Realm of Pure Joy empowered by the Buddha, looked over all the multiple body spirits and said,
I remember, countless eons ago,
A Buddha, Sublime Light appeared in the world;
This world honored one in the presence of that Buddha
Vowed to attain enlightenment and served all Buddhas.
Buddhas body emits great light,
Which fills the entire cosmos;
When beings encounter it, their minds are subdued:
This is seen by illuminating all directions.
Buddhas voice makes all countries tremble.
Every sphere of sound
Awakes all beings without exception:
Conqueror, hearing, rejoices at heart.
The Buddha Body is pure, ever calm,
Manifesting all forms, yet without any signs,
Abiding this way everywhere in the world,
This is the approach of Pure Flowers.
The Guide is so inconceivable,
causing all to see according to their minds--
sometimes sitting, or walking, or standing:
Infinite Dignified Postures understands this.
A Buddha is hard to meet even in a million eons--
He appears in the world to give help freely,
Causing beings to be free from the pains of destitution:
Here is where Supreme Light Array enters.
Each of the Buddhas teeth
Emits blazing clouds of light, as from a fragrant lamp
Destroying the Illusions of all sentient beings:
Undefiled Clouds sees in this way.
Beings' attachments and delusions are multiple barriers--
They follow demons in their ways, always involved in routines;
Buddha shows them the way to liberation:
Guardian Sustainer can understand this.
I see the independent power of Buddha,
His light filling the universe;
In royal palaces he edifies beings.
This is the realm of the Ubiquitous One.
Beings are deluded, full of miseries--
Buddha is in their midst, always saving,
Causing delusions to vanish and joy to abound:
This is what's seen by Immutable Light.
Furthermore, the Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Demigod of Wonderful Form found the door of liberation seeing the Buddha manifest a body of infinite physical forms. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Banner of Swiftness of the Sun found the door of liberation of each hair of the Buddha Body radiating clouds of various light beams, like the sun. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Light of the Flowers of the Polar Mountain found the door of liberation of great mystic powers manifesting innumerable bodies. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Pure sound of Clouds found the door of liberation of infinite sounds corresponding to all species. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Great Armed God found the door of liberation appearing as the leader in all worlds and awakening sentient beings. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Delightful Light found the door of liberation revealing all the different aspects of the Buddhas teachings. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Sound of Thunder and Great Trees found the door of liberation bringing together all the Tree Spirits with Delightful Ornaments. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Lion King Light found the door of liberation fulfilling and clearly understanding the Buddhas vast array of blessings. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Auspicious Eye of Intense Flames found the door of liberation observing the minds of sentient beings on dangerous paths and manifesting a magnificently adorned body for them. The Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Lotus Jewel Topknot found the door of liberation showering everywhere the Jewel Topknot's Adorning all sentient beings.
At that the Thunderbolt Bearing Spirit Demi God of Wonderful Form, empowered by the Buddha, said in verse,
Observe the King of Truth--
The teaching of the King of Truth is thus.
His physical forms have no bounds,
Manifesting throughout the world.
Each of the Buddhas hairs
Is an inconceivable act of light,
Like the clear orb of the sun
Illuminating all Lands.
The Spiritual Powers of the Buddha
Pervade the entire cosmos--
In the presence of all sentient beings,
He manifests infinite bodies.
The Sound of the Buddhas teaching
Is heard in all quarters;
According to the type of being,
He satisfies all their minds.
The masses see the Honored Sage
In the palace of the World
For the sake of all the living
Expounding the Great Teaching.
In the whirlpool of the Ocean of Truth,
With all kinds of different doctrines,
Various appropriate techniques,
He teaches without end.
Those boundless great techniques
Respond to all the lands;
Those who meet the Buddhas Light
All see the Buddha Body.
Having served all the Buddhas,
Many as atoms in a billion lands,
His virtue is as vast as space,
Looked up to by all.
His mystical power is impartial,
Appearing in all lands;
While sitting at rest in the Sublime Enlightenment Site
He appears before all sentient beings.
Blazing Clouds Illuminating All
With Various Spheres of Light
Extending throughout the universe,
Showing where the Buddha acts. (End of Volume 4)
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