Ai sống quán bất tịnh, khéo hộ trì các căn, ăn uống có tiết độ, có lòng tin, tinh cần, ma không uy hiếp được, như núi đá, trước gió.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 8)
Có hai cách để lan truyền ánh sáng. Bạn có thể tự mình là ngọn nến tỏa sáng, hoặc là tấm gương phản chiếu ánh sáng đó. (There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.)Edith Wharton
Khởi đầu của mọi thành tựu chính là khát vọng. (The starting point of all achievement is desire.)Napoleon Hill
Lửa nào sánh lửa tham? Ác nào bằng sân hận? Khổ nào sánh khổ uẩn? Lạc nào bằng tịnh lạc?Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 202)
Chúng ta không làm gì được với quá khứ, và cũng không có khả năng nắm chắc tương lai, nhưng chúng ta có trọn quyền hành động trong hiện tại.Tủ sách Rộng Mở Tâm Hồn
Đôi khi ta e ngại về cái giá phải trả để hoàn thiện bản thân, nhưng không biết rằng cái giá của sự không hoàn thiện lại còn đắt hơn!Sưu tầm
Đừng bận tâm về những thất bại, hãy bận tâm đến những cơ hội bạn bỏ lỡ khi thậm chí còn chưa hề thử qua. (Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. )Jack Canfield
Hãy dang tay ra để thay đổi nhưng nhớ đừng làm vuột mất các giá trị mà bạn có.Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma XIV
Cuộc sống không phải là vấn đề bất ổn cần giải quyết, mà là một thực tiễn để trải nghiệm. (Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.)Soren Kierkegaard
Dầu mưa bằng tiền vàng, Các dục khó thỏa mãn. Dục đắng nhiều ngọt ít, Biết vậy là bậc trí.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 186)

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Our hope as Christians is not fundamentally in man's naked goodwill and rationality. We
believe that he can overcome the deadly selfishness of class or sect or race by
discovering himself as a child of the universal God of love. When a man realizes that he
is a beloved child of the Creator of all, then he is ready to see his neighbours in the world
as brothers and sisters. That is one reason why those who dare to interpret God's will
must never claim him as an asset for one nation or group rather than another. War
springs from the love and loyalty which should be offered to God being applied to some
Godsubstitute, one of the most dangerous being nationalism.
This is a dangerous world where evil is at work nourishing the mindless brutality, which
killed and maimed so many in this city last week. Sometimes, with the greatest
reluctance, force is necessary to hold back the chaos which injustice and the irrational
element in man threaten to make of the world. But having said that, all is not lost and
there is hope. Even in the failure of war there are springs of hope. In that great war play
by Shakespeare, Henry V says: There is some soul of goodness in things evil, would men
observingly distill it out.' People are mourning on both sides of this conflict. In our
prayers we shall quite rightly remember those who are bereaved in our own country and
the relations of the young Argentinean soldiers who were killed. Common sorrow should
do something to reunite those who were engaged in this struggle. A shared anguish can
be a bridge of reconciliation. Our neighbours are indeed like us.
I have had an avalanche of letters and advice about this service. Some correspondents
have asked 'why drag God in?' as if the intention was to wheel up God to endorse some
particular policy or attitude rather than another. The purpose of prayer and of services
like this is very different and there is hope for the world in the difference. In our prayers
we come into the presence of the living God. We come with our very human emotions,
pride in achievement and courage, grief at loss and waste. We come as we are and not
just mouthing opinions and thanksgiving which the fashion of the moment judges
As we pour into prayer our mourning, our pride, our shame and our convictions, which
will inevitably differ from person to person, if we are really present and really reaching
out to God and not just demanding his endorsement, then God is able to work upon us.
He is able to deepen and enlarge our compassion and to purify our thanksgiving. The
parent who comes mourning the loss of a son may find here consolation, but also a spirit
which enlarges our compassion to include all those Argentinean parents who have lost



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