Không trên trời, giữa biển, không lánh vào động núi, không chỗ nào trên đời, trốn được quả ác nghiệp.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 127)
Kẻ ngu dầu trọn đời được thân cận bậc hiền trí cũng không hiểu lý pháp, như muỗng với vị canh.Kinh Pháp Cú - Kệ số 64
Chúng ta phải thừa nhận rằng khổ đau của một người hoặc một quốc gia cũng là khổ đau chung của nhân loại; hạnh phúc của một người hay một quốc gia cũng là hạnh phúc của nhân loại.Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma XIV
Cuộc sống ở thế giới này trở thành nguy hiểm không phải vì những kẻ xấu ác, mà bởi những con người vô cảm không làm bất cứ điều gì trước cái ác. (The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.)Albert Einstein
Mất lòng trước, được lòng sau. (Better the first quarrel than the last.)Tục ngữ
Người thành công là người có thể xây dựng một nền tảng vững chắc bằng chính những viên gạch người khác đã ném vào anh ta. (A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.)David Brinkley
Nếu người có lỗi mà tự biết sai lầm, bỏ dữ làm lành thì tội tự tiêu diệt, như bệnh toát ra mồ hôi, dần dần được thuyên giảm.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Mỗi ngày, hãy mang đến niềm vui cho ít nhất một người. Nếu không thể làm một điều tốt đẹp, hãy nói một lời tử tế. Nếu không nói được một lời tử tế, hãy nghĩ đến một việc tốt lành. (Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought.)Lawrence G. Lovasik
Khi mọi con đường đều bế tắc, đừng từ bỏ. Hãy tự vạch ra con đường của chính mình. (When all the ways stop, do not give up. Draw a way on your own.)Sưu tầm
Người ta trói buộc với vợ con, nhà cửa còn hơn cả sự giam cầm nơi lao ngục. Lao ngục còn có hạn kỳ được thả ra, vợ con chẳng thể có lấy một chốc lát xa lìa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương

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On October 2, 1950, a new comic strip appeared in American newspapers. The hero of
the strip was a roundheaded kid named Charlie Brown. In the very first cartoon, two
young schoolmates watch Charlie Brown walking by, and one comments, Well! Here
comes ol' Charlie Brown.Yes, Sir! Good ol' Charlie Brown. How I hate him!
This comic strip was to become one of the most popular in history. Its creator, Charles M.
Schultz, drew the strip for 50 years until his death. But reruns of Peanuts still appear
regularly in the newspaper. What are some of the characteristics of Charlie Brown and
his friends that have made the cartoon popular?
Charlie Brown is an unlikely hero. Other kids don't like being around him because the
things he does never seem to work out properly. Kids want to be with someone who is
goodlooking, popular and successful, so that they can feel a part of his success. Charlie
Brown is always worrying, hardly ever upbeat, afraid of failure, and always making
mistakes. His kite gets snagged in a tree, he needs counseling from Lucy, his dog
Snoopy is more popular than he is, and the little redhaired girl never notices him. In
short, Charlie Brown is a loser.
Charlie Brown illustrates all the insecurities that kids have. Many of these anxieties carry
over into adult life. Sometimes, they reflect problems in the life of the comic strip's
creator, Charles M. Schulz. Schulz suffered from depression much of his life and had a
difficult time in school. He was not very popular with his classmates. Humour and
laughter are often a way of dealing with problems. And in the Peanuts strip, the world
can laugh at all the silly little things that people do.
Because of its honest way of dealing with problems, Charlie Brown and his friends are
more interesting than the average comic strip characters. The characters represent adult
personality types. Charlie Brown is wishywashy, and is afraid to do things for fear of
failure. Lucy is a pushy overbearing female, who thinks she knows it all. Linus, her
younger brother, is intellectual but insecure. He still clings to his baby blanket for
security. Schroeder is preoccupied with Beethoven's music to the exclusion of
everything else.
Sally, Charlie Brown's younger sister, combines both a romantic attachment to Linus and
a desire for material things. Peppermint Patty is a tomboy who loves baseball, but
nonetheless has a romantic crush on Charlie Brown. Snoopy, the dog, represents a cool
detached inventive individual who also relies on basic creature comforts.
These characters add up to a human comedy. In the comic strip, we can see ourselves
and the people around us: making mistakes, getting second chances, but tending to do
the same things over again.
Behind the humour of Peanuts there is a serious message. Words can hurt.
Relationships are important. Truth is difficult to find. Criticism is too common. Greed can
easily overpower us. These messages are both timeless and timely.
Peanuts has also been turned into television specials and several movies. Snoopy
stuffed toys are popular all over the world. A huge industry has grown from a simple
comic strip. Perhaps this means that, while we all secretly want to be winners, we
really identify more closely with the Charlie Browns of this world!



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