Người cầu đạo ví như kẻ mặc áo bằng cỏ khô, khi lửa đến gần phải lo tránh. Người học đạo thấy sự tham dục phải lo tránh xa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Dầu mưa bằng tiền vàng, Các dục khó thỏa mãn. Dục đắng nhiều ngọt ít, Biết vậy là bậc trí.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 186)
Ai sống quán bất tịnh, khéo hộ trì các căn, ăn uống có tiết độ, có lòng tin, tinh cần, ma không uy hiếp được, như núi đá, trước gió.Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 8)
Như bông hoa tươi đẹp, có sắc lại thêm hương; cũng vậy, lời khéo nói, có làm, có kết quả.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 52)
Người có trí luôn thận trọng trong cả ý nghĩ, lời nói cũng như việc làm. Kinh Pháp cú
Dầu nói ra ngàn câu nhưng không lợi ích gì, tốt hơn nói một câu có nghĩa, nghe xong tâm ý được an tịnh vui thích.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 101)
Không nên nhìn lỗi người, người làm hay không làm.Nên nhìn tự chính mình, có làm hay không làm.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 50)
Lửa nào sánh lửa tham? Ác nào bằng sân hận? Khổ nào sánh khổ uẩn? Lạc nào bằng tịnh lạc?Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 202)
Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, tham làm hại người đời. Bố thí người ly tham, do vậy được quả lớn.Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 356)
Ai bác bỏ đời sau, không ác nào không làm.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 176)

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Đại Phương Quảng Phật Hoa Nghiêm Kinh [大方廣佛華嚴經] »» Bản Việt dịch quyển số 2

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The Flower Ornament Sutra

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Translated by: The Buddhist Text Translation Society

Đại Tạng Kinh Việt Nam

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Volume 2: The Wondrous Adornments of the Rulers of the Worlds, the 2nd section
At that time, the oceanic multitudes at the bodhimanda of the Thus Come One all gathered like clouds. Beings of boundless types and species surrounded and filled the bodhimanda, each unique in form and retinue. From every direction, they followed and drew near the World Honored One to admire him with one heart.
Already, this congregation had abandoned the various afflictions mental impurities, and their residual habits. Having smashed a mountain of heavy obstacles, they saw the Buddha freely. These beings were those whom the Thus Come One Vairocana, as he cultivated the Bodhisattva conduct throughout oceans of eons, had gathered in using the Four Methods of Gathering Beings in Various expedient means had been used to skillfully gather in, teach, and maturate these beings as they planted good roots in the presence of each Buddha, so that they became securely established on the Path to All-Wisdom. They had cultivated limitless goodness and reaped multitudes of copious blessings. They had all entered a sea of expedients.
Their practices were pure and complete. They skillfully gained transcendence by means of the path of escape. Always, they beheld the Buddhas with distinct clarity. With the power of supreme understanding, they thus entered the great ocean of meritorious virtues of the Thus Come Ones. They gained the passages into liberation of all Buddhas, and roamed playfully, using their spiritual powers.
Specifically, Celestial King Ocean of Wondrous Flames from the Heaven of Great Self-Mastery gained a passage into liberation of using the power of quiescence and expedients throughout the Dharma Realm and space. Celestial King Radiant Freedom and Renown gained a passage into liberation of universally contemplating all dharmas with complete ease. Celestial King Eyes of Pure Merit and Virtue gained a passage into liberation of knowing through effortless practice that all dharmas do not come into being or cease to be, and neither come nor go.
Celestial King Delightful Great Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of using oceanic wisdom in beholding the Character of Reality of all dharmas in the present moment. Celestial King Comfortable Unmoving Light gained a passage into liberation that allowed him to enter the Samadhi of Great Expedients, and thereby bestow boundless peace and joy upon sentient beings. Celestial King Magnificent Eyes gained a passage into liberation of enabling beings to observe quiescent dharmas so as to dispel their dark delusion and terror. Celestial King Brilliance Derived from Wholesome Reflection gained a passage into liberation of pondering all of existence by proficiently entering infinite realms without creating any karma Celestial King Delightful Great Knowledge gained a passage into liberation of traveling everywhere throughout the ten directions to speak Dharma, while neither moving nor relying on anything.
Celestial King All-Pervasive Voice Resembling a Glorious Banner gained a passage into liberation of entering the Buddha's tranquil state and universally displaying bright light.Celestial King Brilliant Renown Derived from Wholesome Vigor gained a passage into liberation of abiding in his own enlightenment while embracing the conditions of great, vast, and boundless states.
At that time Celestial King Ocean of Wondrous Flames received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Great Self-Mastery, and spoke the following verse:
The Buddha's body pervades all great assemblies everywhere,
Filling the infinite reaches of the Dharma Realm.
Still and quiet, ungraspable, devoid of nature,
He yet appears in order to save the world.
The Thus Come One, King of Dharma, appears among us,
Lighting up the world with the lantern of wondrous Dharma.
Boundless and infinite are the states that emerge.
Thus is the realization of Freedom and Renown.
How inconceivable the Buddha is; he defies description.
He realizes that no form actually exists in the ten directions.
For those in the world he extensively reveals paths to purity.
Pure Eyes is able to observe thus.
The Thus Come One's wisdom is without bounds.
No one in the world could possibly fathom it.
He dispels sentient beings' dark delusions forever.
Great Wisdom enters this and abides in profound peace.
The Thus Come One's meritorious virtues are inconceivable.
When sentient beings see him their afflictions cease.
He enables everyone in the world to experience peace and joy.
The god Comfortable Unmoving Light observes thus.
Beings are constantly occluded by darkness and delusion.
The Thus Come One tells them about the method for gaining tranquility,
Describing it as a lamp of wisdom that shines on the world.
Wondrous Eyes understands this skillful means.
The Thus Come One's pure, wonderful physical body
Universally manifests in the ten directions, defying comparison.
This body has no nature or place of reliance.
The god Wholesome Reflection observes thus.
The Thus Come One's voice transcends bounds and impediments.
No one who is ready to be taught will fail to hear it.
And yet the Buddha remains still, forever unmoving.
The god Delightful Knowledge is liberated thus.
The lord of humans and gods, one of still and quiet liberation,
Appears everywhere throughout the ten directions.
His dazzling light fills the world.
Glorious Banner of Unimpeded Dharma thus perceives.
Throughout boundless seas of great eons, the Buddha
Sought bodhi in order to help sentient beings.
With many different spiritual powers he transforms all.
The god Brilliant Renown awakens to this dharma.
Moreover, Celestial King Bright Banner of Delight in the Dharma gained a passage into liberation of comprehensively observing the faculties of all sentient beings so as to speak Dharma for them and dissolve their doubts.
Celestial King Ocean of Pure Adornments gained a passage into liberation of enabling all sentient beings to see the Buddha upon recollecting him. Celestial King Supreme Wisdom-Light gained a passage into liberation of the body being adorned with the Dharma nature of equality and independence. Celestial King Banner of Carefree Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of comprehending all mundane dharmas and creating inconceivable oceans of adornments within a single thought. Celestial King Delight in Still Quiescence gained a passage into liberation of inclusively and compatibly manifesting inconceivably many Buddhalands in a single pore. Celestial King Universal Wisdom Eye gained a passage into liberation whereby he entered an aspect of universality that allowed him to contemplate the Dharma Realm. Celestial King Delight in Revolving Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of constantly appearing before sentient beings in various manifestations throughout boundless eons. Celestial King Adept at Nurturing Wisdom Light gained a passage into liberation of contemplating all mundane states and entering the inconceivable Dharma. Celestial King Immaculately Still and Serene Light gained a passage into liberation of revealing to all sentient beings the essential dharma of transcendence. Celestial King Vast, Pure Brightness gained a passage into liberation of observing all sentient beings who are ready to be transformed and leading them to enter the Buddhadharma.
At that time, Celestial King Bright Banner of Delight in the Dharma received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Lesser Vastness, the Heavens of Limitless Vastness, and the Heavens of Vast Fruition, and spoke the following verse:
This state of the Buddha is inconceivable,
Unfathomable by any ordinary beings.
He pervasively inspires faith and understanding.
His profuse and joyous aspirations are unending.
If sentient beings are able to accept the Dharma,
The Buddha's awesome spiritual strength will guide them,
Letting them constantly behold the Buddhas before them.
Celestial King Ocean of Adornments thus perceives.
The nature of all dharmas is without reliance.
The Buddhas' appearances in the world are like that too.
They go to all realms of existence and yet rely on nothing.
Supreme Wisdom contemplates this meaning.
Whatever sentient beings' hearts desire
Can be realized by the Buddha's spiritual might,
Despite how incredibly different individuals are.
This is the sea of liberation of King Banner of Wisdom.
All lands that ever existed in the past
Appear within a single pore on a person's body.
This is due to the great spiritual powers of all Buddhas.
Delight in Still Quiescence proclaims thus.
The inexhaustible sea of all dharma doors
Comes together as a single dharma in the Way-place.
This is the Dharma nature of which the Buddhas speak.
Wisdom Eye understands this expedient device.
He abides in every land of the ten directions,
And speaks Dharma in each of them.
Yet physically, the Buddha neither comes nor goes.
Thus is the state of Delight in Revolving Wisdom.
The Buddha contemplates worldly dharmas as reflections,
And enters into their profoundly mysterious aspects.
He speaks of the eternally still nature of all dharmas.
Adept at Nurturing considers and perceives thus.
The Buddha is proficient in understanding every state.
According to sentient beings' faculties, he lets fall a rain of Dharma.
He shows them the inconceivable, essential door of transcendence.
The god Still and Serene enlightens and enters thus.
With great kindness and compassion, the World Honored One
Appears among us so as to benefit sentient beings.
He evenly sprinkles the rain of Dharma to fill each vessel.
The god Pure Brightness proclaims thus.
Moreover, the Celestial King Pure Wisdom's Renown gained a passage into liberation of comprehending the skillful means of the path that leads to the emancipation of all sentient beings. Celestial King Supreme Views gained a passage into liberation of universally manifesting like light and shadows in a way that delights all the celestial multitudes. Celestial King Serene Virtue gained a passage into liberation of employing the great expedient that universally adorns and purifies the states of all Buddhas. Celestial King Sumeru Sound gained a passage into liberation of helping out sentient beings who keep drifting forever upon the ocean of birth and death. Celestial King Eye of Pure Mindfulness gained a passage into liberation of recollecting the Thus Come One and thereby being able to regulate and subdue the activities of sentient beings. Celestial King Delightful Universal Illumination gained a passage into liberation of flowing forth from the Universal Door's ocean of dharanis. Celestial King Sovereign World Ruler gained a passage into liberation of enabling sentient beings to meet the Buddha and bring forth a treasury of faith. Celestial King Comfortable Blazing Light gained a passage into liberation of enabling all sentient beings to become joyously faithful upon hearing the Dharma, hence gaining transcendence. Celestial King Joyful Contemplation of the Transformations of Dharmas gained a passage into liberation of entry into all Bodhisattvas' taming practices, which are as boundless and infinite as space. Celestial King Transformation Banner gained a passage into liberation of using universal compassion and wisdom to contemplate the countless afflictions of sentient beings. Celestial King Wondrous Adornment of the Sounds of Constellations gained a passage into liberation of emitting light and manifesting the Buddhas' three wheels to gather in and transform beings.
At that time, Celestial King Pure Wisdom's Renown received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Lesser Purity, the Heavens of Limitless Purity, and the Heavens of Pervasive Purity, and spoke the following verse:
The one who understands that the nature of dharmas is unobstructed
Appears everywhere in countless lands of the ten directions.
He explains the inconceivable realm of the Buddhas,
Bringing all beings back to the ocean of liberation.
The Thus Come One abides independently in the world,
Like a reflection of light, manifesting in many countries.
Dharmas ultimately do not come into being.
King Supreme Views enters this passage.
For countless oceans of eons he has cultivated skillful means,
That have purified lands everywhere in the ten directions.
The Dharma Realm abides in Thusness, forever unmoving.
The god Serene Virtue awakened thus.
Sentient beings, occluded by delusion,
Blindly remain in the throes of birth and death.
The Thus Come One shows them the path to purity.
Sumeru Sound is emancipated thus.
The unsurpassed path tread by all Buddhas
Cannot be fathomed by any sentient being.
They are shown various kinds of expedient doors.
Pure Eye understands this through careful observation.
The Thus Come One constantly uses methods of uniting and upholding,
Profuse as dust motes in oceans of lands,
To instruct and teach sentient beings everywhere.
Celestial King Universal Illumination enters thus.
A Thus Come One's advent in the world is not easy to meet with.
It may happen only once in an ocean of uncountable eons.
Buddhas can inspire faith and understanding in beings.
The god Sovereign attains this realization.
The Buddha says that the nature of dharmas isn't a nature at all,
And yet they are profound, vast, great, and inconceivable.
Thus he inspires pure faith in sentient beings everywhere.
Celestial King Blazing Light understands this well.
Thus Come Ones of the three times perfect meritorious virtues.
They transform the realms of sentient beings in incredible ways.
Reflection upon this brings exultant joy.
Thus proclaims Joy in Dharma.
Sentient beings are drowning in an ocean of afflictions.
Their delusion and turbid views are alarming indeed.
Out of sympathy, the Great Teacher helps them leave all that forever.
King Transformation Banner observes this state.
The Thus Come One's light is forever bright.
Countless Buddhas appear in each and every ray.
One and all, they manifest and work at transforming sentient beings.
The god Wondrous Sounds enters this passage.
Moreover, Celestial King Winsome Light gained a passage into liberation of forever enjoying the bliss of quiescence, and yet being able to descend into the world and eradicate beings' suffering. Celestial King Pure and Exquisite Light gained a passage into liberation of using an ocean of responses issuing from the heart of great compassion to bestow a treasury of happiness upon all sentient beings.
Celestial King Comfortable Sound gained a passage into liberation of universally manifesting, within a single thought, the power of blessings and virtue of all sentient beings throughout boundless eons. Celestial King Wisdom of Supreme Intent gained a passage into liberation of universally causing worlds undergoing the process of formation, dwelling, and decay to all become pure like space. Celestial King Pleasing, Pure, and Wonderful Sounds gained a passage into liberation of joyously and faithfully accepting all Sages' Dharmas. Celestial King Sound of Wholesome Reflection gained a passage into liberation of proclaiming for the duration of eons the meaning of all grounds and skillful means. Celestial King Proclaiming with Splendid Sound gained a passage into liberation of expediently making extensive offerings to all Bodhisattvas when they descend from the Tusita Heaven Palace to be born. Celestial King Most Profound Voice of Light gained a passage into liberation of contemplating the ocean of infinite spiritual powers and wisdom. Celestial King Vast Renown gained a passage into liberation of observing how the fulfillment of oceanic merit and virtue allows Buddhas to appear in the world and employ the power of expedients. Celestial King Supreme Pure Light gained a passage into liberation of giving rise to a treasury of profound faith and delight in the powerful past vows of Thus Come Ones.
At that time, Celestial King Winsome Light received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Lesser Light, the Heavens of Limitless Light, and the Heavens of Utmost Light, and spoke the following verse:
I recall the past practices of the Thus Come One,
How he served and made offerings to innumerable Buddhas.
Relying on the Buddha's awesome strength, I now perceive
All the pure karma stemming from his fundamental faith.
The Buddha's body, devoid of form, is free of any defilement.
He dwells forever on the ground of compassion and pity,
Casting out all the woes of the world.
This is the liberation of Exquisite Light.
The Buddhadharma is vast and boundless;
The oceans of all lands appear within it.
The stages of formation and decay of each are different.
Such is the power of liberation of the god Comfortable Sound.
The Buddha, with his unequalled spiritual powers,
Appears everywhere in the vast lands of the ten directions,
Causing those lands to manifest eternally, adorned and pure.
Such is the expedient emancipation of Supreme Intent.
He rendered homage to all Thus Come Ones,
Numerous as dust motes in oceans of lands.
He lost no opportunity to hear the Dharma and leave defilement.
The dharma door of the god Wonderful Sounds functions thus.
The Buddha, throughout measureless oceans of great eons,
Expounded the grounds with peerless skill-in-means.
What he said remains infinite and unending.
The god Sound of Wholesome Reflection understands this meaning.
The Thus Come One's spiritual transformations open infinite doors.
In a single thought he can appear in all places.
His spirit descended, and he realized the Way, enacting a great expedient.
Splendid Sound is liberated thus.
Sustained by awesome strength, he can discuss
And manifest incidents involving the Buddhas' spiritual powers.
Beings are purified according to their faculties and desires.
This is the passage into liberation of the god Voice of Light.
The Thus Come One's wisdom is boundless.
In the world he is peerless and without attachment.
Responding with a kind heart, he appears before all beings.
The god Vast Renown awakens to this truth.
In the past the Buddha practiced in quest of bodhi,
Making offerings to all Buddhas in the ten directions.
Before each and every Buddha, he made vows.
Upon hearing this, Supreme Light experiences great joy.
Moreover, Brahma King Sikhin gained a passage into liberation of universally dwelling in the bodhimandas of the ten directions, speaking Dharma there, and being pure and untainted in his actions. Brahma King Wisdom Light gained a passage into liberation of enabling all sentient beings to enter dhyana and remain in samadhi. Brahma King Light of Wholesome Reflective Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of universally entering all inconceivable dharmas. Brahma King Universal Cloud Sound gained a passage into liberationof entering all Buddhas' oceans of sounds. Brahma King Freely Contemplating the Sounds and Speech in the World gained a passage into liberation of recollecting how the Bodhisattvas teach and transform all sentient beings with expedients. Brahma King Still and Quiet Bright Eyes gained a passage into liberation of manifesting the different aspects of worldly karmic retributions. Brahma King Pervasive Light gained a passage into liberation of appearing before the different categories of sentient beings accordingly, so as to tame and subdue them. Brahma King Transforming Sounds gained a passage into liberation of residing in the purity of all dharmas and the state of quiescent practice. Brahma King Dazzling Eyes gained a passage into liberation of being unattached to anything, boundless, independent, and always manifesting with diligence. Brahma King Pleasing, Ocean-like Sounds gained a passage into liberation of constantly reflecting upon and contemplating inexhaustible dharmas.
At that time, Great Brahma King Sikhin received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Brahma Heavens¡ªthe Heavens of Brahma Ministers, the Heavens of Brahma Multitudes, and the Great Brahma Heavens¡ªand spoke the following verse:
The Buddha's body is pure and ever quiescent.
His radiance shines on everyone in all worlds.
Without form, without action, and without any image or reflection,
Like a cloud in the sky: Perceive him thus.
The state of concentration of the Buddha's body,
Unfathomable by any sentient being,
Is revealed to them through inconceivable expedient methods.
King Wisdom Light enlightens thus.
Oceans of dharma doors, as many as motes of dust in Buddhalands,
Can be proclaimed completely in a single sentence.
Yet oceans of eons would not be time enough to describe them all.
Light of Wholesome Reflective Wisdom is liberated thus.
The Buddhas' perfect voice reaches equally to all in the world.
Each being attains insight according to its kind,
And yet the sound causes no discriminations.
Brahma King Universal Sound awakens thus.
All Thus Come Ones in the three periods of time
Progress towards bodhi through expedient practices.
Everything culminates with the realization of Buddhahood.
The god Freedom with Sounds is liberated thus.
Sentient beings all have their own distinct karma.
According to their causes, various results occur.
The Buddhas make clear that this is the nature of the world.
The god Still and Quiet Brightness awakens thus.
At ease with countless dharma doors,
He tames sentient beings throughout the ten directions,
Without discriminating among them.
Such is the state of Pervasive Light.
The Buddha's body is as infinite as the void.
Formless and unobstructed, it pervades the ten directions.
All his manifestations resemble illusions.
King Transforming Sounds enlightens to this path.
The Thus Come One's physical form is boundless.
So, too, are his wisdom and the sound of his voice.
Abiding in the world and displaying his form, he has no attachments.
Celestial King Dazzling Light enters this passage.
The Dharma King settles in the Wondrous Dharma Palace.
The light of his Dharma body shines on all.
The Dharma nature is incomparable and devoid of form.
This is the liberation of King Ocean-like Sounds.
Moreover, Celestial King Self-Mastery gained a passage into liberation of making use of a treasure trove of freedom and ease in appearing before countless sentient beings and bringing them to maturation. Celestial King Lord Good Eyes gained a passage into liberation of contemplating the joys of all sentient beings and then helping them to experience the joy found in the realm of sages. Celestial King Crown like a Banner of Wonderful Jewels gained a passage into liberation of rousing sentient beings to action by complying with their various desires and understandings. Celestial King Courageous Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of universally gathering in all sentient beings and explaining principles to them. Celestial King Phrases of Sublime Sounds gained a passage into liberation of advancing in his own practice by recollecting the Thus Come Ones' vast kindness. Celestial King Banner of Splendid Light gained a passage into liberation of revealing the gate of great compassion that can subjugate the arrogance of some beings, who wear it like a banner. Celestial King Realm of Quiescence gained a passage into liberation of subduing all hatred and malice among beings in the world. Celestial King Banner Embellished with Wonderful Wheels gained a passage into liberation of being able, by remembering countless Buddhas of the ten directions, tohave them come to where he is. Celestial King Flower Light Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of universally manifesting the realization of Proper Enlightenment according to the thoughts of sentient beings. Celestial King Indra's Wonderful Brightness gained a passage into liberation of entering all worlds by means of great awesome strength and masterful methods.
At that time, Celestial King Self-Mastery received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Self-Mastery, and spoke the following verse:
The Buddha's body is pervasive and equal to the Dharma Realm.
Universally responding to beings, he appears before them all,
Offering various ways to enter the teachings as he transforms and guides them,
So that they will attain ease in the Dharma and reach enlightenment.
Among the different joys in the world,
The quiescent bliss of the sages is the most supreme.
Abiding in the profuse vastness of the Dharma nature,
Celestial King Wondrous Eyes perceives thus.
The Thus Come One appears throughout the ten directions.
He speaks Dharma by universally responding to the hearts of the masses.
All doubts are vanquished and severed:
This is the passage into liberation of Wonderful Banner-like Crown.
Buddhas throughout all worlds communicate with wondrous sounds.
The Dharma spoken throughout countless eons
Can be wholly expressed in a single sentence.
Courageous Wisdom god is liberated thus.
The immense kindness of all those in the world
Does not measure up to the tiniest fraction of the Thus Come One's kindness.
Like space, the Buddha's kindness is inexhaustible.
This is the achievement of the god Sublime Sounds.
The arrogance of sentient beings, towering as a mountain,
Is completely vanquished without residue by the Ten Powers.
This function of the Thus Come One's great compassion
Is the way practiced by the King Banner of Splendid Light.
Pure light of wisdom fills beings in all worlds.
Those who see it cast out ignorance and darkness,
Which enables them to leave all evil paths.
Celestial King Quiescence awakens to this Dharma.
The light streaming from the Buddhas' pores proclaims
Names of Buddhas as many as the number of beings.
Sentient beings may hear whatever they enjoy hearing.
Banner with Wonderful Wheels is liberated thus.
The Thus Come One's freedom and ease cannot be measured.
It entirely fills space and the Dharma Realm.
The myriad assemblies behold it clearly:
Flower Wisdom enters this passage to liberation.
Throughout oceans of countless, boundless great eons,
Buddhas manifest everywhere in the ten directions to speak the Dharma,
Yet no one ever sees them come or go.
The god Wonderful Brightness enlightens to this.
Moreover, Celestial King Skilled at Transformations gained a passage into liberation of explaining the transformational power of all karma. Celestial King Silent Radiance gained a passage into liberation of renouncing all opportunistic tendencies. Celestial King Illumination of Powerful Transformations gained a passage into liberation of universally eradicating the dark and deluded thoughts of sentient beings, thus enabling them to perfect their wisdom. Celestial King Lord of Adornment gained a passage into liberation of bringing forth boundless, delightful sounds. Celestial King Light of Mindfulness gained a passage into liberation of understanding all Buddhas' infinite attributes of blessings and virtue. Celestial King Tremendous Thundercloud gained a passage into liberation of universally knowing the formation and decay of all past eons as well as their sequence. Celestial King Supreme Light gained a passage into liberation of awakening the wisdom of all sentient beings. Celestial King Wonderful Cowl gained a passage into liberation of releasing light that quickly fills the ten directions of space. Celestial King Joyful Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of maintaining a powerful vigor that makes it impossible to destroy his accomplishments. Celestial King Flower Light Cowl gained a passage into liberation of knowing the retributions undergone by all sentient beings due to their karma. Celestial King Universally Viewing the Ten Directions gained a passage into liberation of manifesting the different shapes of inconceivably many kinds of sentient beings.
At that time, Celestial King Skilled at Transformations received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Skillful Transformation, and spoke the following verse:
The nature of karma of those in the world is unthinkable.
To the confused multitudes, the Buddha makes a thorough revelation.
He skillfully explains the true meaning underlying causes and conditions
As well as how karma differs with each and every being.
They try to visualize the Buddha in many ways, but to no avail.
They seek him throughout the ten directions, but cannot find him.
The Dharma body manifests, but is not real and actual;
Silent Sound perceives this dharma.
Throughout oceans of eons, the Buddha cultivated many practices,
Wishing to destroy the foolish and dark delusions in the world.
Therefore, his purity shines most brightly.
Powerful Illumination is enlightened thus.
All the exquisite sounds in the world
Cannot rival the Thus Come One's sound.
The Buddha fills the ten directions with a single sound.
Lord of Adornment enters this liberation.
The power of blessings amassed by those in the world
Cannot match even a single attribute of the Thus Come One.
The Thus Come One's blessings and virtue are identical with space.
The god Light of Mindfulness perceives thus.
Countless eons throughout the three periods of time,
As well as the different features related to their formation and decay,
Are completely displayed in a single pore of the Buddha.
Tremendous Thundercloud knows this state.
The volume of space throughout the ten directions can be known,
But the scope of the Buddha's pores cannot be measured.
This inconceivable state of nonobstruction
Is understood by Celestial King Wonderful Cowl.
Throughout immeasurable eons in worlds long past,
The Buddha thoroughly cultivated vast, great paramitas,
Tirelessly practicing with ever-diligent vigor.
Joyful Wisdom knows this dharma door.
The causes and conditions that result in karma are hard to fathom,
Yet the Buddha explains them for everyone in the world.
The Dharma nature is fundamentally pure and undefiled.
This is the place of entry for Flower Light.
You should contemplate a single pore of the Buddha,
For all beings are found within it.
Yet they neither come nor go.
King Universally Viewing understands thus.
Moreover, Celestial King Contentment gained a passage into liberation of encountering the turning of the wheel of Perfect Teaching each time a Buddha appears in the world. Celestial King Happiness Like an Ocean and a Cowl gained a passage into liberation of obtaining the pure bright body that pervades space. Celestial King Banner of Supreme Merit and Virtue gained a passage into liberation of making an ocean of pure vows that dispels the world's sufferings. Celestial King Quiescent Light gained a passage into liberation of manifesting a body everywhere to speak the Dharma. Celestial King Good Eyes gained a passage into liberation of universally purifying the realms of all sentient beings. Celestial King Moon at Jeweled Peak gained a passage into liberation of having access to an inexhaustible treasury used in universally transforming those in the world by appearing before them often. Celestial King Courageous Strength gained a passage into liberation of revealing the state of all Buddhas' Proper Enlightenment. Celestial King Vajra Wonderful Brightness gained a passage into liberation of making firm all sentient beings' resolve for bodhi, rendering it indestructible. Celestial King Banner of Stars gained a passage into liberation of drawing near to all Buddhas during their time in the world and observing the skill-in-means they use to tame and subdue sentient beings. Celestial King Wonderful Adornment gained a passage into liberation of fully knowing sentient beings' thoughts in a single thought and manifesting according to their potentials.
At the time Celestial King Contentment received the Buddha's awesome might, contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Contentment, and spoke the following verse.
The Thus Come One, vast and great, pervades the Dharma Realm.
Towards all sentient beings he is completely equal and level.
Everywhere responding to the multitudes, he expounds doors of wonder,
Causing them to enter inconceivable, pure dharmas.
The Buddha's body appears everywhere in the ten directions.
Without attachment, without obstructions, it cannot be grasped.
Those in the world can see his various physical features.
Thus enters the god Happiness Like a Cowl.
In the past, the Thus Come Ones cultivated numerous practices.
Their pure, tremendous vows were deep like the ocean.
All Buddhadharmas were brought to perfection.
Supreme Virtue knows this skill-in-means.
The Thus Come One's Dharma body defies conceptualization,
Casting reflections throughout the Dharma Realm.
Everywhere he elucidates all dharmas.
The god Quiescent Light gained this liberation.
Sentient beings are fettered and covered over by karma and delusion.
Prompted by pride, arrogance, and indulgence, their minds drift and wander.
The Thus Come One speaks still and quiescent dharmas for them.
Good Eyes knows this from reflecting, and his heart rejoices.
The True Teacher of all those in any world
Manifests to rescue beings and bring them back
To a serene haven universally revealed.
Moon at the Peak enters this in depth.
Inconceivable is the state of each Buddha.
Pervading all dharma realms,
They enter all dharmas and reach the other shore.
Courageous Wisdom sees thus and rejoices.
Sentient beings ready for transformation
Head towards bodhi upon hearing of the Buddha's meritorious virtue.
He causes them to abide in the ocean of blessings, forever pure.
Wonderful Brightness contemplates thus.
In oceans of lands numerous as motes of dust in the ten directions,
All beings flock to the Buddhas and congregate
To pay respects, make offerings, and hear the Dharma.
Adorned Banner perceives thus.
Inconceivable is the ocean of sentient beings' thoughts.
Without dwelling, movement, or a place to rely.
In a single thought, the Buddha sees it with total clarity.
The god Wonderful Adornment understands this well.
Moreover, Celestial King Time-Division gained a passage into liberation of helping all sentient beings' good roots grow, forever delivering them from worry and distress. Celestial King Charming Light gained a passage into liberation of universally entering all states. Celestial King Infinite Wisdom and Banner of Meritorious Virtues gained a passage into liberation of eradicating all misfortune by means of the wheel of great compassion. Celestial King Well Able to Transform and Adorn gained a passage into liberation of comprehending the minds of all sentient beings in the three periods of time. Celestial King Great Light of Uniting and Upholding gained a passage into liberation of access to the illumination of the gate of dharani, by which he firmly recollects all dharmas without forgetting them. Celestial King Inconceivable Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of using the inconceivable expedients of the inherent nature to skillfully enter all karma. Celestial King Cakra-Navel gained a passage into liberation of expediently bringing beings to maturity by turning the Dharma wheel. Celestial King Blaze of Light gained a passage into liberation of everywhere observing sentient beings with vast, great eyes and then going to tame and subdue them. Celestial King Brightly Shining gained a passage into liberation of transcending all karmic obstacles and abjuring the deeds of demons. Celestial King Universally Contemplating Those with Great Renown gained a passage into liberation of deftly enticing and instructing the celestial multitudes, encouraging them to purify their minds through practice.
At that time, Celestial King Time-Division received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Time-Division Heavens, and spoke the following verse:
The Buddha, throughout measureless eons in the distant past,
Has drained the ocean of worry and distress in the world.
He extensively blazes a path free of dust, one of purity,
And acts as a wisdom-lamp that forever shines upon sentient beings.
The Thus Come One's Dharma body is colossal.
To the limits of the ten directions, it cannot be apprehended.
His expedients are limitless and measureless:
The god Charming Light enters this with his wisdom.
The woes of birth, old age, sickness, death, worry, and grief
Oppress those in the world without respite.
The Great Master, out of pity, vows to dispel them.
Infinite Wisdom Light enlightens thus and understands.
Unimpeded, like an illusion, the Buddha's wisdom
Fathoms all dharmas of the three periods of time,
Universally penetrating the mental activities of sentient beings:
This is the state of the god Well Able to Transform.
The boundaries of uniting and upholding cannot be obtained.
His vast ocean of eloquence also is without end.
He may turn the pure, wonderful Dharma wheel.
This is the liberation of Celestial King Great Light.
Although the nature of karma is vast, great, and inexhaustible.
Enlightened by wisdom, the Buddha deftly reveals and expounds upon it.
His expedients defy conceptualization.
The god Wisdom enters thus.
Turning the inconceivable, wonderful Dharma wheel,
Displaying the cultivation of the bodhi path,
Forever destroying the sufferings of sentient beings:
This is the Ground of Skillful Means of Cakra-Navel.
The Thus Come One's true body is fundamentally nondual.
Responding to beings, according with their forms, it fills the world.
Each being sees the Buddha appear before him.
This is the state of the god Blaze of Light.
If sentient beings see the Buddha but once,
They may surely purge themselves of all karmic obstacles
And forever abandon all demonic karma, so none remains.
Celestial King Brightly Shining walks this path.
Among all in the extensive, ocean-wide assembly,
The Buddha is the most awesome and dazzling.
He sprinkles Dharma rain everywhere to nourish sentient beings.
Renown enters this passage into liberation.
Moreover, Celestial King Sakra-Indra gained a passage into liberation of experiencing great happiness of recollecting the appearance of Buddhas of the three periods and clearly seeing everything including the formation and decay of their lands. Celestial King Universally Praised Full Voice gained a passage into liberation of being able to realize how the Buddha's physical body comes to be the most pure, vast, and peerless in the world. Celestial King Compassionate Eyes and Precious Cowl gained a passage into liberation of having cloud of kindness cover all. Celestial King Jeweled Light Banner of Renown gained a passage into liberation of constantly seeing the Buddhas and manifesting awe-inspiring bodies of various shapes and forms before all rulers of the worlds. Celestial King Inspiring Happiness Cowl gained a passage into liberation of knowing the karma of blessings that produces the cities, villages, and palaces of all sentient beings. Celestial King Proper Mindfulness gained a passage into liberation of revealing the deeds of all Buddhas that bring sentient beings to maturity. Celestial King Lofty Splendid Sound gained a passage into liberation of knowing the changing characteristics of the eons of formation and decay in all worlds. Celestial King Fulfilling Intentions gained a passage into liberation of pondering future Bodhisattvas' practice of taming sentient beings. Celestial King Pure Floral Light gained a passage into liberation of apprehending the causes underlying the joy of all the gods. Celestial King Eyes of Wisdom's Sun gained a passage into liberation of revealing to all gods the good roots by which they attained rebirth, freeing them from delusion. Celestial King Effortless Light gained a passage into liberation of enlightening all the celestial multitudes, forever severing their myriad doubts.
At that time Celestial King Sakra-Indra received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of the Thirty-three, and spoke the following verse:
I reflect upon the Buddhas of the three periods of time,
How all their states are level and equal.
The decay and formation of their lands
The Buddha's awesome spirit makes visible to all.
The Buddha's body, vast and great, pervades the ten directions.
His wondrous, unrivaled form benefits all beings.
His brilliance bedazzles all and everywhere.
Universally Praised contemplates and sees this path.
The Thus Come One's expedients emanate from his ocean of great kindness.
In ages past, his cultivation was extremely pure
As he transformed and guided boundless sentient beings.
Celestial King Precious Cowl enlightens thus.
As I recall the Dharma King's sea of meritorious virtue,
Supreme and unequaled in all the world,
Immense happiness swells in my heart:
This is the liberation of the god Jeweled Light.
The Buddha knows sentient beings' ocean of good karma¨C
The various supreme causes leading to bounteous blessings.
All are revealed, without remainder.
The god Cowl of Happiness sees thus.
The Buddhas appear throughout the ten directions,
Everywhere pervading all worlds.
Observing the minds of sentient beings, they manifest to tame them.
Celestial King Proper Mindfulness enlightens to this path.
Wide, enormous eyes on the Thus Come One's wisdom body
See all the motes of dust in all worlds without exception,
Universally pervading the ten directions.
This is the liberation of the god Cloud-Sound.
The bodhi practices of all disciples of the Buddha
Fully appear in the pores of the Thus Come One
In all their measureless perfection.
Celestial King Intentions perceives this with clarity.
All peaceful, happy events in the world
Arise because of the Buddha.
Supreme and unparalleled is the Thus Come One's meritorious virtue.
Floral King enters this place of liberation.
If one recalls an iota of the Thus Come One's meritorious virtue,
Or produces even one thought of devoted admiration,
The terrors of all evil paths will forever be dispelled.
Eyes of Wisdom awakens profoundly thus.
Within quiescent dharmas, great spiritual powers
Respond to the minds of all beings everywhere.
All doubts and delusions are severed.
This is the attainment of King Bright Light.
Moreover, Celestial Prince Sun gained a passage into liberation of universally radiating pure light on sentient beings of the ten directions, constantly benefiting them to the ends of time. Celestial Prince Bright Flaming Eyes gained a passage into liberation of, by means of a body according with all categories, awakening sentient beings, causing them to enter the ocean of wisdom. Celestial Prince Sumeru-Light Banner of Happiness gained a passage into liberation of acting as lord of all sentient beings, causing them to diligently cultivate boundless, pure merit and virtue. Celestial Prince Immaculate Jeweled Moon gained a passage into liberation of rejoicing profoundly from cultivating all ascetic practices. Celestial Prince:Non-Retreating Courage gained a passage into liberation of universally radiating unobstructed light, causing all sentient beings to increase their vigor and energy. Celestial Prince Brilliance from Exquisite Flower Garlands gained a passage into liberation of universally shining pure light upon sentient beings' bodies, engendering an ocean of happiness, faith, and understanding. Celestial Prince Supreme Banner Light gained a passage into liberation of universally shining light on beings in the world, so that they successfully complete all kinds of wonderful, meritorious deeds. Celestial Prince Jeweled Cowl Universal Light gained a passage into liberation of the ocean of great compassion from which he manifests boundless states involving gems of various shapes and forms. Celestial Prince Bright Eyes gained a passage into liberation of cleansing and healing the eyes of all sentient beings, enabling them to see the treasury of the Dharma Realm. Celestial Prince Upholding Virtue gained a passage into liberation of bringing forth a pure, continuous mind, which is never ravaged or lost. Celestial Prince Universal Revolving Radiance gained a passage into liberation whereby solar palaces orbit everywhere, shining on all sentient beings of the ten directions, so that they successfully complete their work.
At that time, Celestial Prince Sun received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of Celestial Princes of the Sun, and spoke the following verse:
The Thus Come One's tremendous light of wisdom
Universally illumines the lands of the ten directions.
All sentient beings see the Buddha.
Variously, and by the use of numerous expedient means, they are tamed.
The Thus Come One's physical form is boundless.
He manifests a body commensurate with the likes of sentient beings,
Opening everywhere the ocean of wisdom for all in the world:
Flaming Eyes contemplates the Buddha in this way.
The Buddha's body is peerless and beyond compare.
His resplendent light floods the ten directions,
Surpassing everything, the most supreme:
This dharma door is attained by Happiness.
To benefit the world, he cultivates ascetic practices,
Traversing all realms of existence across measureless eons.
Pure and pervasive as space is his radiance.
Jeweled Moon knows this skill-in-means.
Unobstructed, the Buddha's concert of wonderful sounds
Pervades all lands of the ten directions.
With the flavor of Dharma, he benefits all creatures.
Courage knows this expedient device.
He releases an inconceivable net of light,
Universally purifying all sentient beings,
Inspiring profound faith and understanding in everyone:
The god Flower Garlands enters this door.
All the lights in the world
Do not equal the light within a single pore of the Buddha.
The Buddha's light is just this inconceivable:
This is the liberation of Supreme Banner Light.
The Dharma of all Buddhas is thus:
They sit beneath the Bodhi, king of trees,
Causing those who stray to abide in the path.
Jeweled Cowl Light sees thus.
Sentient beings are blind, dark, and trapped in woeful ignorance.
The Buddha bids them to open their eyes of purity.
Therefore he lights the wisdom-lamp for their sakes.
Good Eyes contemplates this profoundly.
Liberated, expedient, Honored One of ease and comfort.
If sentient beings but see him once and make offerings to him,
They are caused to cultivate unto fruition:
This is the god Virtue's power of expedients.
Measureless doors within a single dharma door
Through measureless thousands of eons are extolled.
The dharma doors so proclaimed¨Cprolific in meaning¨C
Are understood by the god Universal Revolving Radiance.
Moreover, Celestial Prince Moon gained a passage into liberation of universally radiating pristine light throughout the Dharma Realm, gathering in and transforming sentient beings. Celestial Prince King-of-Flowers-Cowl gained a passage into liberation of observing the realms of all sentient beings, causing them to universally enter boundless dharmas. Celestial Prince All Manner of Pure and Wonderful Radiance gained a passage into liberation of understanding the ocean of sentient beings' minds and the various ways in which they are influenced by opportunism. Celestial Prince Instilling Peace and Joy in the Hearts of the World gained a passage into liberation of bestowing inconceivable bliss upon all sentient beings, so that they jump for joy. Celestial Prince Bright Eyes of the King of Trees gained a passage into liberation of at all times protecting the work of farmers, such as the growth of seeds, sprouts, stems, and so forth, causing them to thrive. Celestial Prince Manifesting Pure Light gained a passage into liberation of saving and protecting all sentient beings with kindness and compassion, enabling them to witness experiences of suffering and joy. Celestial Prince Universally Roaming Yet Unmoving Light gained a passage into liberation of universally appearing in the ten directions holding the pure moon. Celestial Prince Sovereign Constellation King gained a passage into liberation of revealing all dharmas to be illusory, resembling space, lacking characteristics and an inherent nature. Celestial Prince Moon of Pure Enlightenment gained a passage into liberation of giving rise to great deeds and functioning for the sake of all sentient beings. Celestial Prince Great Majestic Light gained a passage into liberation of everywhere severing all doubts and delusions.
At that time, Celestial Prince Moon received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the celestial multitudes in all the moon palaces, and spoke the following verse:
The Buddha emits light pervading the whole world,
Illumining lands of the ten directions,
Proclaiming inconceivable, vast, great dharmas,
Destroying forever the darkness of sentient beings' delusion.
His states are boundless and without end.
Throughout measureless eons, constantly he teaches and guides,
Transforming all sentient beings with various modes of self-mastery.
Flower Cowl contemplates the Buddha in this way.
The ocean of sentient beings' minds varies in every thought.
The Buddha's extensive, profuse wisdom knows this all.
Everywhere, he speaks Dharma, bestowing happiness:
This is the liberation of Wonderful Radiance.
Sentient beings, lacking the joyful serenity of sages
And mired and confused on evil paths, endure all miseries.
The Thus Come One shows them the door of the Dharma nature.
Peace and Joy beholds and reflects upon this.
Rare is the Thus Come One's great kindness and compassion.
To benefit sentient beings, he enters all realms of existence.
Speaking Dharma, he exhorts them to goodness, helps them succeed:
This is what the god Bright Eyes understands.
The World Honored One expounds the Dharma's brightness,
Differentiating the nature of all karma in the world.
Good and evil deeds are never destroyed.
Upon seeing this, Pure Light rejoices.
The Buddha is the mainstay of all blessings,
Just like the great earth upholding palaces.
Cleverly he reveals a path of security and peace, free from anxiety:
The Unmoving One knows this expedient means.
The brilliant blaze of the Buddha's wisdom-fire pervades the Dharma Realm.
He manifests countless bodies, equal to all sentient beings.
Everywhere, for one and all, he opens up the true and actual.
The god Constellation King awakens to this path.
The Buddha, like empty space, has no intrinsic nature.
Wishing to benefit sentient beings, he appears in the world,
Adorned with fine marks and characteristics¨Ca reflection.
Celestial King Pure Enlightenment perceives thus.
From all the pores on the Buddha's body issue universal sounds.
His Dharma cloud blankets the entire world.
Those who hear also delight in it without exception.
The god Light has awakened to this liberation.
(End of Volume 2)

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