Thus I heard (Evam maya shrutam): At one time the Bhagavan (ekasminn samaye Bhagavan) (Lord Tathagata Shakyamuni) and five hundred great monks (mahabhikshus) were in the Bamboo Grove Garden of Rajagrha-mahanagara (great city of the King's house). Then many monks' bodies were inflicted with haemorrhoids (anamaka); their physical bodies were thin and weak and entangled in lingering pain and suffering, and they were extremely worried and annoyed day and night. Then Meritorious (Ayushmant) Ananda, having witnessed this matter, went to where the Bhagavan was. He prostrated and touched Buddha's soles with the top of his head in respect, and then stood on one side. He said to the Bhagavan, "Now in the city of Rajagrha there are many bhikshu whose bodies are inflicted with haemorrhoids. Their physical bodies are thin and weak and entangled in lingering pain and suffering, and they are extremely worried and annoyed day and night. Bhagavan, how to cure all these haemorrhoid diseases (vyadhi/dosha)?" The Buddha told Ananda, "You should listen to this Sutra that cures (cikitsana) haemorrhoids, and then maintain its repetition so that it is well memorized in mind that you cannot forget it. In addition, you should widely proclaim and explain it to others. Thus all these haemorrhoid diseases would be eradicated, such as wind haemorrhoids (vayv-anamaka), heat haemorrhoids (ushmanamaka), depression haemorrhoids, trinity haemorrhoids (trayanamaka), blood haemorrhoids (rakto 'namaka), abdominal haemorrhoids, nasal haemorrhoids (ghrananamaka), dental haemorrhoids (dantanamaka), tongue haemorrhoids (jihvanamaka), eye haemorrhoids (cakshuranamaka), ear haemorrhoids (shrautanamaka), head haemorrhoids (shiranamaka), limb haemorrhoids (anganamaka), back haemorrhoids, anus haemorrhoids (gudanamaka), and haemorrhoids that grow on joints all over the body, all such haemorrhoid tumours would dry up, fall off, perish, and undoubtedly be cured. To attain such cure (bhishaj) all should maintain repetition of the following magic spell (adbhuta-mantra)". And Buddha uttered the spell:
tadyatha, e lan di, e lan mi, shi li pi, shi li shi li, muce shi shi, sam po ba du, svaha.
"Ananda, To the north from here there is a great snow mountain king, and in it there is a great Shala tree (vrksha) named 'Difficult to Overcome' (sudurjaya). It has three types of flowers: those that are budding, those in full bloom (vibuddha) and those withered. Just as those flowers fall as they wither, the haemorrhoids inflicting my monks would fall like that, no more bleeding and no more pus, forever free from pain and suffering (duhkha-duhkha), and all completely dried up. Furthermore, one who repeats this sutra often would attain the super-knowledge (abhijna) to know one's past lives (purvanivasana) and remember events of the latest seven lives, and perfectly accomplish the spell-practice (mantra-carya-samsiddhi)." Buddha again uttered the following spell:
[Om] tushita shama shama sheshana shama nihsheshana svaha.
As Buddha finished proclaiming this sutra, Meritorious Ananda and all in the assembly (parshat) greatly rejoiced, faithfully received the teaching (upadesha) and carried on as they were taught.
Chú ý: Việc đăng nhập thường chỉ thực hiện một lần và hệ thống sẽ ghi nhớ thiết bị này, nhưng nếu đã đăng xuất thì lần truy cập tới quý vị phải đăng nhập trở lại. Quý vị vẫn có thể tiếp tục sử dụng trang này, nhưng hệ thống sẽ nhận biết quý vị như khách vãng lai.
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Chú ý: Việc đăng nhập thường chỉ thực hiện một lần và hệ thống sẽ ghi nhớ thiết bị này, nhưng nếu đã đăng xuất thì lần truy cập tới quý vị phải đăng nhập trở lại. Quý vị vẫn có thể tiếp tục sử dụng trang này, nhưng hệ thống sẽ nhận biết quý vị như khách vãng lai.