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The Mind in Early Buddhism Bhikkhu Thich Minh Thanh New Delhi, 2001 |
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SOURCES: Aṅguttara-Nikāya: Vol. i, ed. R. Morris, 1885, 2nd ed. 1961, PTS, reprinted 1989. Vol. ii, ed. R. Morris, 1888, PTS, reprinted 1976. Vol. iii, ed. E. Hardy, 1897, PTS, reprinted 1976. Vol. iv, ed. E. Hardy, 1899, PTS, reprinted 1979; Vol. v, ed. E. Hardy, 1900, PTS, reprinted 1979; Vol. vi, indexes by M. Hunt and Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1910, PTS, reprinted 1981. Dhammapada, ed. O. von Hinuber and K.R. Norman, PTS, Oxford, l994. Dhammasaṅgaṇi, ed. E. Muller, PTS, 1885, reprinted 1978. Dīgha-Nikāya: Vol. i, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids and J.E. Carpenter, 1889, PTS, reprinted 1975. Vol. ii, ed. T.W. Rhys Davids and J.E. Carpenter, 1903, PTS, reprinted 1992. Vol. iii, ed. J.E. Carpenter, 1910, PTS, reprinted 1992. Majjhima-Nikāya: Vol. i, ed. V. Trenckner, 1888, reprinted 1979. Vol. ii, ed. R. Chalmers, 1896-98, reprinted 1977. Vol. iii, ed. R. Chalmers, 1899-1902, reprinted 1977. Vol. iv, Indexes by Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1925, reprinted 1974. Saṃyutta-Nikāya , ed. L. Feer: Vol. i, 1884, reprinted 1991. Vol. ii, 1888, reprinted 1989. Vol. iii, 1890, reprinted 1975. Vol. iv, 1894, reprinted 1990. Vol. v, 1898, reprinted 1976. Vol. vi, Indexes by Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 1904, reprinted 1980. Sutta Nipāta, ed. Dines Andersen and Helmer Smith, PTS, Oxford, 1913, reprinted 1990. Udāna, ed. P. Steinthal, PTS, 1885, reprinted 1982.
Vinaya Piṭaka,
ed. H. Oldenberg; Vol. i: Mahāvagga, PTS, 1879, reprinted 1964.
Vol. ii: Culavagga, PTS, 1880, reprinted 19 Translations: A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics (Dhammasaṅgaṇi), tr. Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, Delhi, 1975. A Manual of Abhidhamma (Abhidhammattha Sangaha), tr. Mahā Thera Nārada, Singapore Buddhist Meditation Center, Singapore, 1989. Compendium of Philosophy, tr. S.Z. Aung, PTS, Oxford, 1995. Dialogues of the Buddha, tr. T.W. and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids. Vol. i, tr. T.W. Rhys Davids, PTS, 1899, reprinted 1956. Vol. ii, tr. T.W. and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids, PTS, 1910, 4th edn. reprinted 1989. Vol. iii, tr. Mrs Rhys Davids, PTS, 1921, reprinted 1957. Middle Length Sayings, tr. I.B. Horner. Vol. i, PTS, 1954. Vol. ii, PTS, 1957. Vol. iii, PTS, 1959. Milinda's Questions, tr. I.B. Horner. Vol. i, PTS, 1963, reprinted 1990. Vol. ii, PTS, 1964, reprinted 1991. Psalms of the Brethren, tr. Mrs. Rhys Davids, PTS, 1994. (Now a better translation by PTS is also available done by K.R. Norman.) The Book of the Gradual Sayings, tr. F.L. Woodward and E.M. Hare. Vol. i, tr. Woodward, PTS, 1932, reprinted 1960. Vol. ii, tr. Woodward, PTS, 1933, reprinted 1962. Vol. iii, tr. Hare, PTS, 1934, reprinted 1952. Vol. iv, tr. Hare, PTS, 1935, reprinted 1955. Vol. v, tr. Woodward, 1936, reprinted 1955. The Book of the Kindred Sayings, tr. Mrs. C.A.F. Rhys Davids and F.L.Woodward. Vol. i, tr. Mrs Rhys Davids, PTS, 1917, reprinted 1989. Vol. ii, tr. Mrs Rhys Davids, PTS, 1922, reprinted 1982. Vol. iii, tr. F.L. Woodward, PTS, 1925, reprinted 1975. Vol. iv, tr. F.L. Woodward, PTS, 1927, reprinted 1980. Vol. v, tr. F.L. Woodward, PTS, 1930, reprinted 1997. The Expositor, tr. Pe Maung Tin, 2 vols., PTS, 1920, 1921, reprinted as one vol. 1976. The Path of Purity, tr. Pe Maung Tin, Parts i, ii, iii, PTS, 1923, 1929, 1931, reprinted 1975.
Brahmachari, S., An Introduction to Abhidhamma (Buddhist Philosophy and Psycholgy), Jadab Barua Publications, 1990. Carpenter, J. E., The Bible Of The Nineteenth Century, 1903. Davids, C. A. F. Rhys, Buddhist Psychology, G. Bell and Sons Ltd, London, 1914. Davids, C. A. F. Rhys, The Birth Of Indian Psychology And Its Development In Buddhism, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, Delhi. Davids, T. W. Rhys, Buddhist India, reprint Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, Pvt, Ltd. Delhi, 1997. Davids, T. W. Rhys, The History And Literature Of Buddhism, Susil Gupta Ltd, Calcutta, 1952. De Silva, C. L. A., A Treatise On Buddhist Philosophy Abhidhamma, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 1988. Govinda, L. A., The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy, Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, Pvt, Ltd. Delhi, 1991. Goyal, S. R., A History Of Indian Buddhism, Kusumanjali, Prakashan, Jodhpur, 1994. Hazra, Kanai Lal, Pāli Language And Literature, Vol.1, D.K.Print Work, Delhi, 1994. Jayasuriya, W. F., The Psychology And Philosophy Of Buddhism, Y.M.B.A. Press, Colombo, 1963. Johansson, Rune. E. A., THE DYNAMIC PSYCHOLOGY OF EARLY BUDHISM, Curzon Press Ltd, London and Malmo, 1985. Kalupahana, David J., A HISTORY OF BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY, Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, Pvt, Ltd. Delhi, 1994. Kalupahana, David J., THE PRINCIPLE OF BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 1992. Katz, Nathan, BUDDHIST AND WESTERN PSYCHOLOGY, Prajñā Press, Boulder, 1983. Law, Bimala Churn, HISTORY OF PĀli LITERATURE, Vol.1, Indological Book House, Varanasi, 1983. Lay, U Ko, GUIDE TO TIPIṬAKA, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, 1990. Norman, Kenneth Roy, PĀLI LITERATURE, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1983. Nyanatiloka, MANUAL OF BUDDHIST TERMS AND DOCTRINES, The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation, Taiwan, 1970. Nyanatiloka, Guide Through the Abhidhamma-Pitaka, Lake House, Colombo, 1938. Pande, Govind Chandra, STUDIES IN THE ORIGINS OF BUDDHISM, Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, Pvt, Ltd. Delhi, 1995. Quang, Minh Ñaêng, CHÔN LYÙ, the Municipal Buddhist Association of HCMcity, HCMcity, 1993. Reat, N. Ross, THE ORIGINS OF INDIAN PSYCHOLOGY, Asian Humanities Press, Berkeley, California, 1990. Sarao, K. T. S., THE ORIGIN AND NATURE OF ANCIENT INDIAN BUDDHISM, Eastern Book Linkers, India, 1989. Singh, Indra Narain, A STUDY OF THE UNIVERSAL FLUX IN THE THERAVĀDA BUDDHISM, a Ph.D.Thesis submitted to the Dept. of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi, 1993. Winternitz, Maurice, HISTORY OF INDIAN LITERATURE, Vol. 2, Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, Pvt, Ltd. Delhi, 1993.
Dictionary of Pāli Proper Names by G. P. Malalasekera, Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1983. Dictionary of Psychology by J. Atkinson, E. Berne and R. S. Woodworth, Goyl SāāB, Delhi, 1988. Encyclopaedia of Buddhism ed. by various hands. First five volumes, the Government of Sri Lanka, 1979. Journal of Dharma, Dharma Research Association, Bangalore, 1997. Journal of Indian Philosophy ed. Phyllis Granoff, Dept. of Religious Studies, Mc Master University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1, pub. Kluwer Academic, Netherlands. New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary ed. by Lesley Brown, pub. by Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993. Pāli-English Dictionary by T.W.Rhys Davids and William Stede, reprint Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, Pvt, Ltd. Delhi, 1993. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, A Quarterly Journal, pub. International Phenomenological Society, Brown University. Philosophy: East & West, A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy, University of Hawai'i Press. -ooOoo- Top of page | Contents | 0a | 0b | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 |
Sincere thanks to Venerable Thich Minh-Thanh for giving the digital files (Binh Anson, 01-2004)
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