Hãy tự mình làm những điều mình khuyên dạy người khác. Kinh Pháp cú
Người hiền lìa bỏ không bàn đến những điều tham dục.Kẻ trí không còn niệm mừng lo, nên chẳng bị lay động vì sự khổ hay vui.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 83)
Kẻ làm điều ác là tự chuốc lấy việc dữ cho mình.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Ta như thầy thuốc, biết bệnh cho thuốc. Người bệnh chịu uống thuốc ấy hay không, chẳng phải lỗi thầy thuốc. Lại cũng như người khéo chỉ đường, chỉ cho mọi người con đường tốt. Nghe rồi mà chẳng đi theo, thật chẳng phải lỗi người chỉ đường.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Cỏ làm hại ruộng vườn, si làm hại người đời. Bố thí người ly si, do vậy được quả lớn.Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 358)
Cái hại của sự nóng giận là phá hoại các pháp lành, làm mất danh tiếng tốt, khiến cho đời này và đời sau chẳng ai muốn gặp gỡ mình.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng
Nay vui, đời sau vui, làm phước, hai đời vui.Kinh Pháp Cú (Kệ số 16)
Không trên trời, giữa biển, không lánh vào động núi, không chỗ nào trên đời, trốn được quả ác nghiệp.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 127)
Xưa, vị lai, và nay, đâu có sự kiện này: Người hoàn toàn bị chê,người trọn vẹn được khen.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 228)
Người thực hành ít ham muốn thì lòng được thản nhiên, không phải lo sợ chi cả, cho dù gặp việc thế nào cũng tự thấy đầy đủ.Kinh Lời dạy cuối cùng

Trang chủ »» Kinh Nam truyền »» Kinh Trung Bộ (Majjhima Nikāya) »» 16. Kinh Tâm Hoang Vu »»

Kinh Trung Bộ (Majjhima Nikāya) »» 16. Kinh Tâm Hoang Vu


Cetokhila sutta

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Dịch giả: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi@@ [101] 1. TH

Đại Tạng Kinh Việt NamKính mong quý độc giả xem kinh cùng góp sức hoàn thiện bằng cách gửi email về admin@rongmotamhon.net để báo cho chúng tôi biết những chỗ còn có lỗi.

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[101] 1. THUS HAVE I HEARD. On one occasion the Blessed One was living at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. There he addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus.” — “Venerable sir,” they replied. The Blessed One said this:

2. “Bhikkhus, that any bhikkhu who has not abandoned five wildernesses in the heart and not severed five shackles in the heart should come to growth, increase, and fulfillment in this Dhamma and Discipline — that is impossible.217

3. “What, bhikkhus, are the five wildernesses in the heart that he has not abandoned? Here a bhikkhu is doubtful, uncertain, undecided, and unconfident about the Teacher, and thus his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. As his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, that is the first wilderness in the heart that he has not abandoned.

4. “Again, a bhikkhu is doubtful, uncertain, undecided, and unconfident about the Dhamma218… As his mind does not incline to ardour… that is the second wilderness in the heart that he has not abandoned.

5. “Again, a bhikkhu is doubtful, uncertain, undecided, and unconfident about the Sangha… As his mind does not incline to ardour… that is the third wilderness in the heart that he has not abandoned.

6. “Again, a bhikkhu is doubtful, uncertain, undecided, and unconfident about the training… As his mind does not incline to ardour… that is the fourth wilderness in the heart that he has not abandoned.

7. “Again, a bhikkhu is angry and displeased with his companions in the holy life, resentful and callous towards them, and thus his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. As his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, that is the fifth wilderness in the heart that he has not abandoned.

“These are the five wildernesses in the heart that he has not abandoned.

8. “What, bhikkhus, are the five shackles in the heart that he has not severed? Here a bhikkhu is not free from lust, desire, affection, thirst, fever, and craving for sensual pleasures, and thus his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. As his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, that is the first shackle in the heart that he has not severed.

9. “Again, a bhikkhu is not free from lust, desire, affection, thirst, fever, and craving for the body219… As his mind does not incline to ardour… that is the second shackle in the heart that he has not severed. [102]

10. “Again, a bhikkhu is not free from lust, desire, affection, thirst, fever, and craving for form… As his mind does not incline to ardour… that is the third shackle in the heart that he has not severed.

11. “Again, a bhikkhu eats as much as he likes until his belly is full and indulges in the pleasures of sleeping, lolling, and drowsing… As his mind does not incline to ardour… that is the fourth shackle in the heart that he has not severed.

12. “Again, a bhikkhu lives the holy life aspiring to some order of gods thus: ‘By this virtue or observance or asceticism or holy life, I shall become a [great] god or some [lesser] god,’ and thus his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. As his mind does not incline to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, this is the fifth shackle in the heart that he has not severed.

“These are the five shackles in the heart that he has not severed.

13. “Bhikkhus, that any bhikkhu who has not abandoned these five wildernesses in the heart and severed these five shackles in the heart should come to growth, increase, and fulfillment in this Dhamma and Discipline — that is impossible.

14. “Bhikkhus, that any bhikkhu who has abandoned five wildernesses in the heart and severed five shackles in the heart should come to growth, increase, and fulfillment in this Dhamma and Discipline — that is possible.

15. “What, bhikkhus, are the five wildernesses in the heart that he has abandoned? Here a bhikkhu is not doubtful, uncertain, undecided, or unconfident about the Teacher, and thus his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. As his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, this first wilderness in the heart has been abandoned by him.

16. “Again, a bhikkhu is not doubtful, uncertain, undecided, or unconfident about the Dhamma… As his mind inclines to ardour… this second wilderness in the heart has been abandoned by him.

17. “Again, a bhikkhu is not doubtful, uncertain, undecided, or unconfident about the Sangha… As his mind inclines to ardour… this third wilderness in the heart has been abandoned by him.

18. “Again, a bhikkhu is not doubtful, uncertain, undecided, or unconfident about the training… As his mind inclines to ardour… this fourth wilderness in the heart has been abandoned by him.

19. “Again, a bhikkhu is not angry and displeased with his companions in the holy life, nor resentful and callous towards them, and thus his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. [103] As his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, this fifth wilderness in the heart has been abandoned by him.

“These are the five wildernesses in the heart that he has abandoned.

20. “What, bhikkhus, are the five shackles in the heart that he has severed?

Here a bhikkhu is free from lust, desire, affection, thirst, fever, and craving for sensual pleasures, and thus his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. As his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, this first shackle in the heart has been severed by him.

21. “Again, a bhikkhu is free from lust, desire, affection, thirst, fever, and craving for the body… As his mind inclines to ardour… this second shackle in the heart has been severed by him.

22. “Again, a bhikkhu is free from lust, desire, affection, thirst, fever, and craving for form… As his mind inclines to ardour… this third shackle in the heart has been severed by him.

23. “Again, a bhikkhu does not eat as much as he likes until his belly is full and does not indulge in the pleasures of sleeping, lolling, and drowsing… As his mind inclines to ardour… this fourth shackle in the heart has been severed by him.

24. “Again, a bhikkhu does not live the holy life aspiring to some order of gods thus: ‘By this virtue or observance or asceticism or holy life, I shall become a [great] god or some [lesser] god,’ and thus his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving. As his mind inclines to ardour, devotion, perseverance, and striving, this fifth shackle in the heart has been severed by him.

“These are the five shackles in the heart that he has severed.

25. “Bhikkhus, that any bhikkhu who has abandoned these five wildernesses in the heart and severed these five shackles in the heart should come to growth, increase, and fulfillment in this Dhamma and Discipline — that is possible.

26. “He develops the basis for spiritual power consisting in concentration due to zeal and determined striving; he develops the basis for spiritual power consisting in concentration due to energy and determined striving; he develops the basis for spiritual power consisting in concentration due to [purity of] mind and determined striving; he develops the basis for spiritual power consisting in concentration due to investigation and determined striving. And enthusiasm is the fifth.220

27. “A bhikkhu who thus possesses the fifteen factors including enthusiasm is [104] capable of breaking out, capable of enlightenment, capable of attaining the supreme security from bondage.221
“Suppose there were a hen with eight, ten, or twelve eggs, which she had covered, incubated, and nurtured properly. Even though she did not wish: ‘Oh, that my chicks might pierce their shells with the points of their claws and beaks and hatch out safely!’ yet the chicks are capable of piercing their shells with the points of their claws and beaks and hatching out safely.222

So too, a bhikkhu who thus possesses the fifteen factors including enthusiasm is capable of breaking out, capable of enlightenment, capable of attaining the supreme security from bondage.”

That is what the Blessed One said. The bhikkhus were satisfied and delighted in the Blessed One’s words.

Hết phần 16. Kinh Tâm Hoang Vu (Cetokhila sutta)

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