Người ta vì ái dục sinh ra lo nghĩ; vì lo nghĩ sinh ra sợ sệt. Nếu lìa khỏi ái dục thì còn chi phải lo, còn chi phải sợ?Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Tinh cần giữa phóng dật, tỉnh thức giữa quần mê.Người trí như ngựa phi, bỏ sau con ngựa hèn.Kính Pháp Cú (Kệ số 29)
Ai sống một trăm năm, lười nhác không tinh tấn, tốt hơn sống một ngày, tinh tấn tận sức mình.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 112)
Người trí dù khoảnh khắc kề cận bậc hiền minh, cũng hiểu ngay lý pháp, như lưỡi nếm vị canh.Kinh Pháp Cú - Kệ số 65
Lấy sự nghe biết nhiều, luyến mến nơi đạo, ắt khó mà hiểu đạo. Bền chí phụng sự theo đạo thì mới hiểu thấu đạo rất sâu rộng.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Lửa nào bằng lửa tham! Chấp nào bằng sân hận! Lưới nào bằng lưới si! Sông nào bằng sông ái!Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 251)
Chớ khinh tội nhỏ, cho rằng không hại; giọt nước tuy nhỏ, dần đầy hồ to! (Do not belittle any small evil and say that no ill comes about therefrom. Small is a drop of water, yet it fills a big vessel.)Kinh Đại Bát Niết-bàn
Rời bỏ uế trược, khéo nghiêm trì giới luật, sống khắc kỷ và chân thật, người như thế mới xứng đáng mặc áo cà-sa.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 10)
Mặc áo cà sa mà không rời bỏ cấu uế, không thành thật khắc kỷ, thà chẳng mặc còn hơn.Kinh Pháp cú (Kệ số 9)
Tìm lỗi của người khác rất dễ, tự thấy lỗi của mình rất khó. Kinh Pháp cú

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Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ (Samyutta Nikāya) »» Chương Mười Ba - Tương Ưng Thiền



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1 Attainment in relation to Concentration

At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four? [264]
“Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in concentration regarding concentration but not skilled in attainment regarding concentration.298
“Here a meditator is skilled in attainment regarding concentration but not skilled in concentration regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled neither in concentration regarding concentration nor in attainment regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled both in concentration regarding concentration and in attainment regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in concentration regarding concentration and in attainment regarding concentration is the chief, the best, the foremost, the highest, the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.
“Just as, bhikkhus, from a cow comes milk, from milk comes cream, from cream comes butter, from butter comes ghee, and from ghee comes cream-of-ghee,299 which is reckoned the best of all these, so too the meditator who is skilled both in concentration regarding concentration and in attainment regarding concentration is the chief, the best, the foremost, the highest, the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
2 Maintenance in relation to Concentration
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four?
“Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in concentration regarding concentration but not skilled in maintenance regarding concentration.300
“Here a meditator is skilled in maintenance regarding concentration but not skilled in concentration regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled neither in concentration nor in maintenance regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled both in concentration and in maintenance regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in concentration and in maintenance regarding concentration [265] is the chief, the best, the foremost, the supreme, the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.
“Just as, bhikkhus, from a cow comes milk … and from ghee comes cream-of-ghee, which is reckoned the best of all these, so too the meditator who is skilled both in concentration and in maintenance regarding concentration … is the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
3 Emergence in relation to Concentration
(The same, but for “skilled in maintenance” read “skilled in emergence. ”)301
4 Pliancy in relation to Concentration
(The same, but read “skilled in pliancy.”)302 [266]
5 The Object in relation to Concentration
(The same, but read “skilled in the object.”)303
6 The Range in relation to Concentration
(The same, but read “skilled in the range.”)304 [267]
7 Resolution in relation to Concentration
(The same, but read “skilled in resolution.”)305
8 Thoroughness in relation to Concentration
(The same, but read “a thorough worker regarding concentration.”)306 [268]
9 Persistence in relation to Concentration
(The same, but read “a persistent worker regarding concentration.”)307
10 Suitability in relation to Concentration
(The same, but read “one who does what is suitable regarding concentration. ”)308 [269]
1 Maintenance in relation to Attainment
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four? “Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in attainment regarding
concentration but not skilled in maintenance regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled in maintenance regarding concentration but not skilled in attainment regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled neither in attainment nor in maintenance regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled both in attainment and in maintenance regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in attainment and in maintenance regarding concentration is the chief, the best, the foremost, the highest, the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.
“Just as, bhikkhus, from a cow comes milk … and from ghee comes cream-of-ghee, which is reckoned the best of all these, so too the meditator who is skilled both in attainment and in maintenance regarding concentration … is the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
12 Emergence in relation to Attainment
(The same, but for “skilled in maintenance regarding concentration” read “skilled in emergence regarding concentration.”) [270]
13 Pliancy in relation to Attainment
(The same, but read “skilled in pliancy.”)
14 The Object in relation to Attainment
(The same, but read “skilled in the object.”)
15 The Range in relation to Attainment
(The same, but read “skilled in the range.”) [271]
16 Resolution in relation to Attainment
(The same, but read “skilled in resolution.”)
17 Thoroughness in relation to Attainment
(The same, but read “a thorough worker regarding concentration.”)
18 Persistence in relation to Attainment
(The same, but read “a persistent worker regarding concentration.”)
19 Suitability in relation to Attainment
(The same, but read “one who does what is suitable regarding concentration.” ) [272]
20 Emergence in relation to Maintenance
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four? “Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in maintenance regarding
concentration but not skilled in emergence regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled in emergence regarding concentration but not skilled in maintenance regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled neither in maintenance nor in emergence regarding concentration.
“Here a meditator is skilled both in maintenance and in emergence regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in maintenance and in emergence regarding concentration is the chief … the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.” [273]
21-27 Pliancy in relation to Maintenance, Etc.
(These seven suttas are modelled on the preceding one, but “emergence” is replaced by the seven terms from “pliancy” through “one who does what is suitable,” as in §§13-19.)
28 Pliancy in relation to Emergence
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four? “Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in emergence but not in pliancy …
[274] … skilled in pliancy but not in emergence … skilled neither in emergence nor in pliancy … skilled both in emergence and in pliancy regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in emergence and in pliancy regarding concentration is the chief … the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
29-34 The Object in relation to Emergence, Etc.
(These six suttas are modelled on the preceding one, but “pliancy” is replaced by the six terms from “the object” through “one who does what is suitable.”) [275]
35 The Object in relation to Pliancy
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four?
“Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in pliancy but not in the object … skilled in the object but not in pliancy … skilled neither in pliancy nor in the object … skilled both in pliancy and in the object regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in pliancy and in the object regarding concentration is the chief … the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
36-40 The Range in relation to Pliancy, Etc.
(These five suttas are modelled on the preceding one, but “the object” is replaced by the five terms from “the range” through “one who does what is
41 The Range in relation to the Object
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four? “Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in the object but not in the range
… skilled in the range but not in the object … skilled neither in the object nor in the range … skilled both in the object and in the range regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in the object and in the range regarding concentration is the chief … the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.” [276]
42-45 Resolution in relation to the Object, Etc.
(These four suttas are modelled on the preceding one, but “the range” is replaced by the four terms from “resolution” through “one who does what is suitable.”)
46 Resolution in relation to the Range
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four? “Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in the range but not in resolution
… skilled in resolution but not in the range … skilled neither in the range nor in resolution … skilled both in the range and in resolution regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is skilled both in the range and in resolution regarding concentration is the chief … the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
47-49 Thoroughness in relation to the Range, Etc.
(These three suttas are modelled on the preceding one, but “resolution” is replaced by the three terms: “a thorough worker,” “a persistent worker,” and “one who does what is suitable.”)
50 Thoroughness in relation to Resolution
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four?
“Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is skilled in resolution [277] but not a thorough worker… a thorough worker but not skilled in resolution … neither skilled in resolution nor a thorough worker … both skilled in resolution and a thorough worker regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is both skilled in resolution and a thorough worker regarding concentration is the chief … the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
51-52 Thoroughness in relation to the Range, Etc.
(These two suttas are modelled on the preceding one, but “a thorough worker” is replaced by the two terms: “a persistent worker” and “one who does what is suitable.”)
53 Persistence in relation to Thoroughness
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four?
“Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is a thorough worker but not a persistent worker… a persistent worker but not a thorough worker … neither a thorough worker nor a persistent worker … both a thorough worker and a persistent worker regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is both a thorough worker and a persistent worker regarding concentration is the chief … the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
54 Suitability in relation to Thoroughness
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four? “Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is a thorough worker but not one who does
what is suitable regarding concentration….”
55 Suitability in relation to Persistence
At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of meditators. What four?
“Here, bhikkhus, a meditator is a persistent worker but not one who does what is suitable … one who does what is suitable but not a persistent worker … neither a persistent worker nor one who does what is suitable …
[278] both a persistent worker and one who does what is suitable regarding concentration.
“Therein, bhikkhus, the meditator who is both a persistent worker and one who does what is suitable regarding concentration is the chief, the best, the foremost, the highest, the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.
“Just as, bhikkhus, from a cow comes milk, from milk comes cream, from cream comes butter, from butter comes ghee, and from ghee comes cream-of-ghee, which is reckoned the best of all these, so too the meditator who is both a persistent worker and one who does what is suitable regarding concentration is the chief, the best, the foremost, the highest, the most excellent of these four kinds of meditators.”
The Book of the Aggregates is finished.
Hết phần Chương Mười Ba - Tương Ưng Thiền (Jhānasaṃyutta )

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Tập III - Thiên Uẩn có tổng cộng 24 phần.
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