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- Selected texts from the Pali canon (English translations):
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- Bhikkhu Bodhi (1944- )
- Nyanaponika Thera (1901-1994)
- Thanissaro Bhikkhu (1949- )
- Ayya Khema (1923-1997)
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- Masters from the Thai forest traditions:
- Chah, Ajaan (1918-1992)
- Fuang, Ajaan (1915-1986)
- Kee Nanayon, Upasika (1901-1979)
- Lee, Ajaan (1907-1961)
- Maha Boowa, Ajaan (1913-2011)
- Mun, Ajaan (1870-1949)
- Suwat, Ajaan (1919-2002)
- Thate, Ajaan (1902-1994)
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- A Path to Freedom: A Self-guided Tour of the Buddha's Teachings
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